Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. 18 of February of the 2003 Harassment against the community Mixteca de Plan Zaragoza, Municipality of Santiago NuyooWings social organizationsTo the organizations of human rights To the civil society in general: Brothers and sisters those that we subscribed the Members of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Magon. Flowers, we come denouncing the brutal ostigamiento and intimidation that have come undergoing our comrades and companeras from the Mixteca community of ZARAGOZA PLAN, MUNICIPALITY OF SANTIAGO NUYOO, DISTRICT OF TLAXIACO, OAXACA on the part of paramilitary groups that operate under the state shelter in that region. It fits to mecionar that our comrades and coampaneras that are integral of organizacion daily are attacked and threatened and the day of today once again they are attacked on the part of a group to paramiltar directed by authorities of the community of SANTA LUCIA GREEN MOUNT, PUTLA OF GUERRERO, OAX, all this before glance of scorn and negligence of authorities state, who continue allowing that blood runs in our communities, while they vociferate to mouth-full that is will to even solve the conflicts that exist in the state, but they allow and they promote so that these facts have an outcome of which Since the hands are washed arguing that do not tenian anything that to see in the conflict. ANTECEDENTS: The Mixteca community of ZARAGOZA PLAN, is a municipal agency that is located in you limit territorial of the municipality of SANTIAGO NUYOO and SANTA LUCIA MONTEVERDE, these two municipalities maintain a conflict agrarian in which, authorities and caciques of bright Santa Monteverde they have been invading a total of 50 hectareas of the territory of Santiago Nuyoo from the 1985 year. Before this situation comuneros of Santiago Nuyoo, they interposed a demand before the agrarian unitary court of district 46 with seat in Huajuapan of Leon, same that resolvio a sentence in which it is recognized that the earth in conflict (initially invaded by santa Lucia Verde Mount) belong to Santiago Nuyoo. Of this resolution they have paid attention to several occasions, date for the execution of the sentence, completes it fixed for the 11 hours of day 4 of September of 2002; of all of them one informed of the security director publishes of the state to ask for the presence of this police corporation with the aim to protect physical integrity in those who participated in the event, in the same way has had knowledge the own secretary of government of the state Hector Anuar Mafud Mafud. The answer that we have obtained from these civil employees has been the lie doing promises of which it was acted, nevertheless what have done is to continue concealing and spreading opinion publishes, state, national and international, that the government this fulfilling in the resolution of the agrarian conflicts, while this armed group that from the day of 16 of February continues acting with all impunity yesterday shooting arms of exclusive use of I exercise day and night against the houses of our comrades of Plan of Zaragoza they continue threatening arrive at the community to massacre them. By all the previous one we made responsible al repressive government of JOSE MURAT CASAB, al secretary of government Hector Anuar Mafud Mafud, Heliodoro Diaz Escarraga, secretary of citizen protection because they are the one who have the responsibility of guarding by the security of all the communities del been, in individual in this case then to sabiendas that the threat of a massacre against our comrades exists, have not made anything solve the conflict, but they even conceal it. In the same way the solicitor of Justice of the state FRANK SERGIO SANTIBANEZ not to respond when to its different instances from government its support has been asked for him to protect the zone, asi also, not to put a stop to seedtime of enervantes in the region which causes but violence. By I complete to JUAN DIAZ PIMENTEL president of camara of deputies of the congress of the state that has knowledge of acting of the authorities of SANTA LUCIA GREEN MOUNT which they are those that heads this armed group without on the matter it deigns at least in calling them to accounts. By the reconstruction and Free Association of the Towns. Popular indigenous advice of Oaxaca. Ricardo Flores Magon. By the Organizing Meeting Before these facts we asked for all the organizations of human rights, to the social organizations, ong, to the groups and all the people in general they envien and mails or they call by I telephone to the following direction demanding of the authorities of the oaxaca state that once and for all stop the sitematica repression against the members of organizacion of the popular indigenous advice of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magon. Solution to the demands of the indigenous towns NAME TELEFONO/FAX MAIL Jose Murat:Governor of Oaxaca (951) 51-65966, 51-60677, 51-6 04 05, 51- 6 20 39, fax: 51-63737, cellular: 019515470377 gobernador@oaxaca.gob.mx Hector To Mafud Mafud: Srio. Gral de Gobierno of Oaxaca, Mexico 951)51-622-21, 51-62281 sriagral@oaxaca.gob.mx Brown Carlos Derbez: Srio. Of indigenous Subjects in Oaxaca, Mexico (951) 51-30264, cellular one: 019515470222 saioaxaca@hotmail.com Sergio Segreste Rios: Pte. Of the State Commission of Human rights of Oaxaca. (951) 51-35191, 51-351-97 and 51-3.94.11 (direct) cdoax@infosel.net.mx |