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Bright Sta. of the Way Oaxaca, Oaxaca. Mexico.
25 of May of the 2003

Do not leave us alone


The organizing meeting of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Mag Flowers on. CIPO-RFM, we needed and we extended the information to them we made them arrive the d ia fromyesterday with respect to the levelling, threats of death, psychological aggression and terrorize that sufrio our brother Raul Gatica.

As they know, the address of our brother Raul Gatica: Street Freedom not 8, San Isidro Xoxocotlan Nuns, Oaxaca, Mexico, was smoothed, we create, day 23 of May at night by people unknown, but we deduce, tie with the Government and groups of being able in the State.

Raul Gatica is a indigenous Mixteco, that has been state scholarship holder in poesia and National in story and for 20 years has been coming fighting by the rights from the indigenous towns from diverse organizations and particularly in the CIPO-RFM from 1997.

By his activity it has suffered infinity of aggressions and attacks at hands of the governments, the paramilitary policia, groups and of being able in the state. It 13 times have jailed arbitrarily, in haltings that go of the 2 days until the 6 months, defendant of resistance to the authority, injuries, dano in other people's property, robbery, criminal association, etc., has been missing and because of the torture it has 2 fractured ribs labels left hurt and affected the spine, reason why the National Commission of Human rights had to emit recommendation 26/99. One constantly accuses of radical and member to him of the different groups armed that operate in pais, already of the EZLN, ERPI, EPR, etc.

It completes time that to Raul Gatica was wanted to him to stop was in the offices of the Federal Agency of Investigaciones-Oaxaca. At the moment we know that they follow 7 processes to him of the common law and 3 of the federal law.

Although constantly it is harassed and threatened telefonicamente or in mass media, this levelling excels by the way in which the destructions became: they threw all its books, magazines, documents, pamphlets and were the careful to order some magazines process where she appears a person being shot, a magazine that speaks on the Plan Puebla Panama underneath a black parasol and a book of the fight farmer of Guerrero and Oaxaca. As far as foods, they opened the canning and they sprinkled them of fluorescent orange painting like milk. They threw the bed clothes and to dress on you hoist and the ceiling of the house; fotografias where it appears the companero Raul Gatica was broken and on the bed they placed fotografias of dead fish; they broke both telefonos; they left excrements human in rechambers it, and two messages of its son Inti Xinemi Gatica Martinez within a boat that recharged in the window of the kitchen; they painted with fluorescent aerosol color orange the interior of the refrigerator, the cups, plates and spoons, the mirror and the cup of the bano, a wall and, the day of today, we discovered under all the things of the room and rechambers respectively, a skull in the floor with the name of RAUL and a cross that decia: THESE DEAD.

This I complete passage of the following way: today 25 of May we were transferred like a 8 from the manana to the address of our companero Raul Gatica to help him to compose its house of the destructions that did to him.

When arriving we began to clean the room, others the kitchen and other but rechambers and bano. When raising down the montana of books, icos pamphlets, magazines, period, papers and fotografias that threw of the simple bookseller we found a skull drawn and written the name RAUL.. Almost at the same time hermanos/as which they fixed rechambers it where they were thrown a montana of casetes, clothes, medicines, photos, documents, diskets, between the bed and the unica window that exists in that quarter, they called to us to see what it was painted in the ground and we watched a drawn affluent cross with a signboard that decia ESTAS DEAD, to all gave fear us because the skull and the cross were a clear message to Raul Gatica. Before this fact we joined todos/as to give us courageous and we requested to him to one of our comrades that this evidence filmed.

We continued raising the watered thing and we were seeing that fotografias personal and of its children, its passport already overcome, like their ticket from airplane to England for the month of Julio was destroyed; their record of the military service and its card of the medico were painted in fotografia and leaf by leaf with same spray that used to make the dots in the walls and floor.

Since of to have reviewed and to have ordered all the wire drawing does not appear the documents of organizacion (decisive of the assembly of the CIPO-RFM celebrated from the 10 to the 14 of April of year 2003), the effective passport and its birth certificate, the directories national and international and several disket of 3. and CD with diverse information.

Also we found that the mixer, two plates, the estereo, the horns, a electrica rasuradora and other things of regulating value asi like $ 879. 00 (eight hundred seventy and nine pesos 00/100 M.N.) they were not robbed.

The ministerial police and the experts assigned to the Procuraduria de Justicia of the State of Oaxaca that reply to inspect ocular of the facts despu is of insisting to them much, said not to find tracks that can give with the person in charge or people in charge of these facts. Soon before the exigency of us and the evidences they commented that they were ninos that made the destructions before which We asked like is that ninos can rob documents that do not understand and they do not serve to them nor to play, como can take the annoyance to put spray to him to leaf by leaf to a record or to break photos so single of Raul, when there are other many others of greater interest for the ninos? or Como can so single select photos of dead things? or to accommodate to magazines and books with execution of people? Como can be locked in ninos to make destructions when what but it calls to them to attention it is to play in free spaces? Por that as much resistance of the police to make the investigations and expert works? Por that in as much destruction which they manipulated the people in charge of the destructions did not find tracks? Por that if they were ninos not ate or took the chocolates and candies that were in the house but that they left them watered on the table?

To be a tenacious enemy of injustice and to maintain our faithful ideas and acts to the fight by the freedom and emancipation of the pressed ones has represented for the members of the CIPO-RFM persecution, threats, harassments, haltings, imprisonment and death, or as in this case, Politicall of the terror that is not put under the turn governments.

By all that that we demanded it investigates well these facts that we have denounced penal in previous inquiry 413/CDA/2003 where senalamos like people in charge to Jose Murat, Hector To Mafud Mafud and Sergio Santibanez. Same there we asked for of guarantees to Raul Gatica and its children, because without a doubt the aggressions have direct relation with the denunciations that there are been doing like organizacion before diverse organisms of the UN, the support who we are offering to other organizations and prisoners like Oliverio Neri and mainly, by the fight in defense of the forests that we are giving in San Isidro Aloapam against the companies of San Miguel Aloapan, the rejection to the candidates of the PRI for federal deputies and the refusal to that squares in our communities settle.

Now we are asking for you you can do something to obtain garantias to the life of our companero. What sera thanked for by our towns does.

By the reconstruction and it frees association of our towns
By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM




information of the civil employees to call to them and to do something.


- Gubernatura de Oaxaca Jose Governing Murat 51-65966/ 51-60677/ fax: 51-63737/ cel: 0449515470377
- Felipe Sardain Private secretary of governor 51-56056/ 51-55726
- SGG: Secretary General of Government Hector Anuar Mafud gral Secretary of government 51-62221/ 51-62281
- SAI: Secretary of Subjects indigenousCar them Brown Derbez secretary of indigenous subjects in Oaxaca51-30264 0449515470222
- President of the Great Permanent Commission of the Congress of the State DIP Juan Ramon Diaz Pimentel (01) 951 - 51 54- 186
- General Solicitor of Justice of the State of Oaxaca Sergio Frank Santibanez Tel. (951) 51-15174, 51-15121, 51-15120, 51-15020; fax 51-15219
- President of Mexico Vicente Fox Quezada: (55)151794,
- Srio. Of Interior de Mexico Santiago Creel Miranda fax: (00 52) 5 55 546 5350, (00 52) 5 55 546 7388, Bucareli 99, to 1er floor Colony 06699 Juarez C.P. Mex ICO D.F.
- General Solicitor of the Republica Rafael Macedo of the Shell Av the Reformation esq. Violet Col. Guerrero, 06300 Mex ICO D.F. C.P. Fax: (0052) 5 346 0906 bzw. 5 346 0904 ofproc@pgr.g
- Ambassador of D.H. and democracy Mariclaire Acosta Urquidi 5117 4318, 5117 4356, fax: 51174334/ (0052)5 327 30 45
- Pte. Of the National commission of Jose Human rights Luis Soberanes Fernandezlada without cost 018007152000 ext.1150(55) 56818490
- Pte. Of the State Commission of Human rights of Oaxaca Sergio Segreste Rios: (951) 51-43683, 51-35191, 51-351-97 and 51-39411 (direct)

Images of the aggression
