Bright Sta. of the Oaxaca Way, 25 of June 2003 Letter to the Day.Mrs. Directora, like continuous the choir of calumnies of the government of the state of Oaxaca, I ask for to you publication of the following letter of gratefulness to Mr. Carlos Velasco to help to decipher the enigma that pudieramos holder who lies in Oaxaca?Thanks Mr. Spokesman. As the subject in question were and is its published affirmation the 20 of June of 2003: ". . . In year 2001, Mr. Gatica recibio of the state administration millon 536 thousand 495 pesos and of the federal government millon 269 thousand 88 pesos for productive projects. . . ", I thank for the presentation to him of the data with which test that not recibi a single weight of the government. Also to expose of clear and forceful way that the magonistas we did not lie and that you have well cattle I title of champions in the office of the calumny and defamation. As I do not present/display, before opinion it publishes, a single test of his calumnies to my person, I hope that you and the one that by its letters thinks, they do it in the penal process that I interposed. I am thankful that it leaves in clear who refuses to I engage in a dialog and exhibits that the focused attack to organizations and people tries to turn aside the attention of the bottom subjects: the repression, paramilitarismo, corruption, anti democracy and demas existing plagues in the feudo of Mr. Jose Murat I do not want to ignore the racist cometarios of that by their mouth speak in the sense that, at this point of the century, the indigenous and farmers we cannot write up with excellence a letter. Of being asi, to Benito Juarez and Ricardo Flores Magon hacian to them their writings and reflections, to first "extranos destabilizing"? and to the second sus jailers perhaps. Him memory that both Indians were oaxHerenos and one I arrive at president of Mexico and the other was precursory unquestionable of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. That is to say, we are Indian we are not idiot. With respect to the imputations to organizacion of which I am part, CIPO-RFM, the communities are elaborating their answer to the crime that you consider committed: the one to obtain, by means of its worthy fight, the obtaining of resources to solve its reclamations of food, use, ways, schools, clinicas, etc. I end up saying that our unconditional support is not to some burocratas, but to all the workers of the union of the 3 powers that maintain a fight worthy to demand their rights. Raul Gatica PS. Ah, forgot to me, I am not to lider of anything or of anybody. Alive happy and to taste with mote of SOCIAL DELINQUENT who I assign another repressive governor: Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano. |