Precisions to the imprecisiones of the government of Oaxaca.June 22 of 2003 Mrs. Directora: The C. Carlos Velasco, spokesman of Governor Jose Murat, day of the 20 month and year in course made a series of assertions among others to two journalists of proven professionalism, to representatives of the union of the 3 powers, to my person and the CIPO-RFM, organizacion of which proudly I am part. Everything without but tests that its word, on the matter precise 1) Who it denounces and test does not lie. For that reason I summon to the C. Carlos Velasco and to Governor Jose Murat to that money or resource presents/displays the tests of to have received I some, no longer we say the amount that mentions, but at least a weight, one single one. If they do not do it, their precisions reached as soon as highest level of laundry gadget, aside from staying as mentirosos, spokesman and patron. Clear aside from responding to the demand mentioned in the Previous Av.: No. 1118/PME/2003 that present/display by defamation and other that imagines. 2) To Rose Rojas and Matilde Perez I ratify all to them and each one of the done declarations and applaud its brave answer, but that needs, to the "duenos of the truth" in Oaxaca, expressing that the work of them honors the journalist office who many correspondents in the state have changed by any thing, in exchange for being reduced to government reporters, or extreme informing it into the red note events. 3) "the precisions" of the government of Oaxaca make clear that: a) The CEDHO and their President, Sergio Segreste Rios is, at least, his procurer then, aside from not wanting to take the complaint who we presented/displayed the 12 of June, obvious the certifications of the medicos legal experts: Cuauhtemoc Cross Perez and Estela To Juarez Ortiz that, although superficial, describe homeless injuries of 11 "pacificamente", According to the Av. Previous: 577/(H.C)/2003, 706(C.H)/2003 and 802/(C.R)/20034) Finally, to see who lies with respect to I engage in a dialog, we invited to Jose Murat to that, by this means, it fixes place and hour of reunion publishes with our organizations to treat the subjects that took to him to use the violence against nosotr@s. Very respectfully: |