Bright Sta. of the Way, Oaxaca, Mexico 6 of September of 2003. FIRST REPORT.(in Mixteco, town that fights) "the chain of the capital does not recognize
RFM, 1917. IN CANCUN: Today to 6 of afternoon, 40 the other part of the delegation of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM we left to Cancun. First already this there participating in the World-wide Forum by the Biodiversity with a communication on the disease of the corn the 45 members we go convinced that we must fight against those who they want to reduce to the humanity in buyers and salesmen. We left our valleys, montanas, canadas and persuaded coasts that it is not possible to be sold the sun and the moon, the air and stars. That we cannot leave into the hands of the transnational companies the rios, you hoist, seas and montanas. That we do not have to close the eyes and the heart before the destruction that the megaproyectos do of the Earth, water, biodiversity and less to be shut up by as much destruction of the companies and the governments. We will arrive until there because we cannot live with in silence in the back while we suffer as one destroys our communities, ours pais and unico world that we have, the Earth. For that reason our sera voice against the OMC, TLC, COLOMBIA PLAN, PPP, etc., without letting denounce the repression climate that we underwent the indigenous in the state at hands of governor Jose Murat. Estara our word in the following activities: 5-7 of September in the world-wide forum of the biodiversity, of the 8-9 in the international forum of women, from the 9 to the 14 in the world-wide fair of right commerce, the 10 in them international protest farmer by soberania nourishing, 9-11, world-wide forum of the towns, the 10 in the indigenous forum organized by the CNI, and the 13 in the great world-wide manifestation against the OMC. We will encamp in the camping of via farmer. One of the expositions fundamental sera to summon to form the international coordination of international the indigenous movement where acting with autonomy each one, we are able to establish a platform of fight and plan of common stock, that it allows to acompanar and to fortify the different organizational efforts, that the global thing takes care of but that it does not neglect the individual, that takes care of the world-wide thing but that it does not let watch the communitarian thing. In each space we will continue insisting on our old proposal to create a retaining wall to the sine of the North American empire, a wall that without being of stone, steel or electricas meshes, immobilizes and restrains the foreign government. That retaining wall is organizacion that must consolidate tod@s the migrantes, that are able to mobilize themselves to immobilize, to structure itself to desestructurar. In short, we must coordinate us to the United interior of the powerful State and other paises to stop it, that is the wall that we must construct all those that somehow we are alla. Without this retaining wall, the fight to stop the colonial anxieties of the United States, and the duenos poquisimos of the world, cruel sera but and releases. Of particular way in Cancun we will denounce as they affect the megaproyectos to us and will give examples of the consequences that are begun to live by the instrumentation on such. But we will also expose our experience of as the communities we resisted to this new colonization, from our culture, territory, organizational tradition, forms of peaceful fight, etc., and in all the places we expose the situation of misery, repression, violation to the human rights and other misfortunes that we suffer like indigenous and organizacion in Oaxaca at hands of governor Jose Murat. We will demand the freedom of Oliverio Neri Lopez, Carlos Manzo and other Politicall Prisoners that exist in Oaxaca and Mexico, Still like garantias to the life of Raul Gatica. Also we will insist on developing concrete international actions for the fulfillment in the agreements of San Andres. IN OTHER PAISES Same day 13 of September our participation in the international encounter begins: alternatives to impunity and globalizacion of the market; macro ecumenismo, resistance and liberation, in Bogota Colombia, organized by the ecumenica Network of churches and Christian organizations, to endorse the process of the communities of the Cacarica and to restrain the repression against the Colombian town. there we will share experiences with international delegates of: REMHI and Archbishopric of Guatemala; Archbishopric of San Salvador, CRIPDES and UCA - El Salvador -; Black Communities of Ecuador; Missing relatives of Panama; Movement Without Land of Brazil; It express and Politicall expresses of Chile; CHILDREN and Grandmothers of the Seat of May, Argentina; Communities of Commission really of Sudafrica, among others, Still like with personalities, intellectuals, cardinals, bishops, Nobel prizes, foundations and other of different parts from the world, among them: Noam Chomsky, Msr. Adolph Perez Esquivel, Alicia Winters, Thomas Gumbleton, Msr. Pedro Casaldaliga, Giulio Girardi, Federico Andreu, Robert Goldman, Veronica Gomez, Don Samuel Ruiz, Douglass Cassel, Donates Fabiola Lalinde, Guillermo Kelber, Francois Houtard, Franz Hinkelammert, Daniel Colombia Booksellers, Betowen Herrera, P. Jose Maria Vigil, Jesus Goni, Norman Godwal, Peter Proff, etc. All with the proposito To construct a strategy of integral hermanamiento in relation with the protection, the justice and proposals of economy alternative forehead to the military war, impunity and globalizacion excluding. In the same way we will make an effort in formulating a Plan of Action on especificos cases in the matter of Justice and forms of Moral Sanction and actions of emergency in especificos cases of violation of human rights and pursuit to situations of the communitarian organizations, organizations of victimas. Also we will define actions around forms of solidarity and support in the interchange of seeds, right commerce, property collective and demas. All this was developed in tables of work like: 1) Impunity, Alternatives of Justice and Moral Sanction, pos 11 of September and invasion of Iraq 2) globalizacion Excluding and Alternative Popular 3) Ecumenismo: Desafios Social and Politicall in Protection, Justice, Globalizacion and Moral Reparacion. Simultaneamente in Oaxaca before the breach in the agreements taken with governor Jose Murat, we have given beginning, along with the community of Yosonotu and the Union of the 3 powers and the Social Center Libertario, the continuation of the day of protests that we initiated in June of the present year demanding the freedom of Oliverio Neri Lopez, Carlos Manzo, guarantees for the life of Raul Gatica, solution to the agrarian conflicts of Yosonotu, San Isidro Aloapam and attention to the social reclamations of the communities and youth in the city. All the previous one because Jose Murat does not have word when not fulfilling until today the established commitments the 20 of July of the 2003: to release to the prisoners, since this proven its innocence, punishment to the policias that have hurt to nuestr@s herman@s, to free you order them of apprehension against the paramilitary ones, to begin the process of restitution of earth invaded by paramilitary to Yosonotu, they gave to the concessions to the workers of the Leaflet in hidden Port and brake to the Mafias that exist in, safety measure for the communities and our companeros, construction of classrooms, water introduction, electrica light, book delivery, allocation of teachers, liberation of supports for the field, etc. Like the word of Jose Murat this stained of lies and we need the respect because engana, we will make the following activities: 6 of September press conference, 7-10 beats of posters, perifoneos and demas activities of diffusion, 8-12, special transmission of the communitarian radios, "Nopalera" of "the Communal" CEAC and of the CIPO-RFM, in the 94,1 of FM in all the valley of Oaxaca. 13 of September beginning of the long wait in front of government palace. During the celebration of the 293 anniversary of initiate the independence of Mexico next to ours heroes but of thousand indigenous we will return to also protest against the privatization of energia electrica, I refuel, the education, Health; against the labor reforms and in if, against all the measures taken for the new colonization of which we are object by the transnational companies and the governments to the service of them. Connoisseurs of the repressive Politicall of Jose Murat and of the government of Fox, are very possible that as instrument of "I engage in a dialog" they use the repression and the violence. Reason why we summoned to mass media to be pending of which he happens during these days of fight which they give to beginning for us the 5 of September in Cancun and Oaxaca and at international level the 13. Very kindly By the reconstruction and he frees association of the towns. By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM COMMUNICATION AREA ELIZABETH PEREZ CROSS, ELEUTERIO BRANCHES LOPEZ Bright Sta. of the Way, Oaxaca, Mexico, September 6 of 2003 |