Bright Sta. of the Way, Oaxaca. Mexico September of 2003 PRESS BULLETINTo national and international mass mediaTo the national commission of human rights To the people of good heart tyrannous “Los seem to us giant because we are of knees; levantemonos!” Ricardo Flores Magon, 19/sep/1915 BEFORE The INTRANSIGENCIA And The PROVOCATION, The IMAGINATION OF The REBELS OF ALWAYS demonstrate THAT WE ARE The RIGHT. Since of which at night of the day the 12 of September traveling salesmen bet in zocalo of the City to prevent that llegaramos to declare to us and to demand the government to him of the state that fulfills its word empenada with the town, our companeros, by means of the reason decided to enter the half day of this sabado, of peaceful but decided way to the place that is of all, and before the surprise of the mass media which they were in the place, the intentions were observed to cause a confrontation on the part of the people which they were identified like PRI members, at the same time that assault to the reporters and a companera of ours organizacion that tried Go up kiosko of zocalo, Since of the jaloneos, profit to enter itself, not without before receiving some pushes and insults. Moments Since of the aggressions and having recovered a free space around kiosko, the members of the CIPO-RFM and the Union of Workers of the Three Powers we installed our long wait with an activity to which we denominated the protest of the languages, doing reference to the words that leave the governor of the state, Still like of its secretaries and that we know that they are pure lies, because nothing of which promises fulfill. Once installed, we returned to be victimas on a new attempt of aggression but now on the part of you lead them of the salesmen who do not querian that instalaramos us and who were ourselves to them influenced by the Federal Deputy PRI MEMBER Frank Jorge Vargas, the Director of relations you publish of the Government of the state Jorge Gonzales Ilescas and the Ex- Federal deputy PRI MEMBER Lilia Mendoza, before which we did not respond, thing that I demonstrate its provoking attitude before the press that there was. In the evening, marches of two points of the City were made, the first of the colony German and in which the workers to the service of the three powers participated and second leaving the IEEPO towards zocalo, participating comrades indigenous pertaining to the CIPO-RFM. Neither the fatigue, nor the threats, nor bad weather that today puts of the side of the tyrants hara to back down to us in our fight by the favorable to our demands of justice, social character and agrarian answers, Still like by the freedom of our companero Oliverio Neri politico imprisoned Lopez of this repressive government. By I complete, we informed that we were watched constantly over policias dressed civilian and directly made responsible to the government of the state of any aggression or attempt of evacuation of which we are victimas. SOLUCION IMMEDIATE To OUR DEMANDS! ALTO To the HARASSMENT To OUR COMPANEROS! prisonerS Politicall FREEDOM! RESPETO To The UNION AUTONOMIA! ALTO To The REPRESSION OF STUDENTS NORMALISTAS! NO To The DISAPPEARANCE OF The NORMAL One OF MACTUMACTZA! BY The RECONSTRUCTION And IT FREES association ONDE The TOWNS Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca“RICARDO FLOWERS MAGON” CIPO RFM UNION OF THE THREE POWERS |