Bright Sta. of the Way, Oaxaca. Mexico 14 of September of 2003 URGENT..ACCION!To national and international mass mediaTo the national and international organisms of human rights To the people of good heart “Ningun government by honest who is, can decree the abolition of the poverty, because this must be obtained by ellos.” Ricardo Flores Magon BEFORE The INCAPACITY TO GIVE SOLUTION To OUR DEMANDS, The GOVERNMENT DECIDES ON The REPRESSION And The EVACUATION. Two days of to have installed the long wait of the dignity in the Zocalo of this City, the Government of the State commanded by Jose Murat Casab follows in but absolute overcast sky and, the pride that characterizes it today radicalizes to the degree to buy to you lead them of the traveling salesmen to prevent our right to the free manifestation. Nevertheless and in spite of the insensibilidad shown by and the all its Secretaries of Government, we have remained awaiting I engage in a dialog who has not arrived, but that on the contrary has arrived the provocations and mainly the threats on a possible evacuation. The day of today, 14 of September, the members of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca and members of the Union of the Three Powers, we especificamente pronounced in different points from our City and in monuments from the Heroes Patrios in a “Los denominated activity Heroes protestan”, that it had like primary target to remember to citizenry in general some ideals by which these died heroes and to make the comparison with which today makes in day the government. In spite of bad weather that has been put of the side of the tyrants who bad govern us, in spite of the fatigue of our sisters who bring their children, our principles are firm, even though the ensoberbecido one lider main of the CONAGO (National Conference of Governors, organizacion PRI member which it looks for the supposed distribution of the budget the states, although in fact this being a link that permitira to be to him winning peldanos for the candidacy to the presidency of the republica by pri) does not want to listen, knows to us that we are the right and assured that the intransigencia that it makes finery only must to that does not have the sufficient capacity in order to give solution to our demands, and exactly it has chosen by via but facil and archaic that exists, and this is via of the violence. This day the main newspapers of state circulation present in the first flat shameless purchase you lead them of the traveling ones influenced by the Federal Deputy PRI MEMBER Frank Jorge Vargas, the Coordinator of tours and relations you publish of the Government of the state Jorge Gonzalez IIlescas and the Ex- Federal deputy PRI MEMBER Lilia Mendoza, which gives clear sample us of the manipulation that exists on the part of the state government to cause a confrontation between us and the traveling salesmen (assault groups). Ademas of the previous thing, in that same note affirms that today they raised to his positions so that day 15 this all ready to the accomplishment of the shout, which translated in other words declares, ready for the evacuation. Or it is known that Jose Murat has been characterized by to be one of the repressive ones but falsified of the state of Oaxaca, that nonsingle uses to its bloodthirsty police forces, but that also displays to repress with armed assault groups, disguised According to is the case, of taxi drivers, carriers, farmers, indigenous, or like this time, of traveling salesmen, in the same way it prefabricates crimes to those who dare Go up the voice and not to allow the injustice or in the field, or the city, indigenous or unions. The situation at this moment is of tension, According to information of diverse sources, they organize a special group to infiltrate in the camping, and to deposit marijuana, or some other drug for Since to jail to us. Before this evident disguised threat, we, the rebels of always, the tenacious enemies of injustice, denounced and made responsible to Jose Murat Casab, Still like a the directors of the repressive bodies, of the violence that can be exerted against all the members of the CIPO-RFM and the Union of the Three Powers, Still same of the physical integrity of our companero Raul Gatica Baptist and all we. We come to this place pacificamente and not to hurt to any poor brother, we will not fall in the violence nor in the provocation, but we continued demanding solution immediate to our demands: 1, Immediate and unconditional freedom for Oliverio Neri, Carlos Manzo and other Politicall Prisoners 2. Stop the repression to the indigenous communities and guarantees to the life of Raul Gatica 3, Fulfillment to the agreements of San Andres 4, Total rejection to OMC, BM, I.A.D.B., TLC, PPP, COLOMBIA PLAN, work INITIATIVE and ALCA, to attempt against the life of the towns of the world. 5, Solution to the agrarian, Politicall and social conflicts of San Isidro Aloapam, Yosonotu, Huatulco, etc. 6, Respect to autonomy of the Union of the Three Powers. 7, Fulfillment to the benefits agreed with the Union of the Three Powers. 8, Answer to the demands of the communities: clinicas, house, ways, use, light, water, projects of women, Youth punks, ninos, ninas, viejitos and viejitas. 9, Permissions to operate communitarian radio and municipal television, participation, etc. By all the previous one, we are asking for to all the people of good heart Still like a national and international organisms and of human rights so that they conduct an urgent battle and of support to avoid that it is repressed to us since has been the characteristic of this government. The cases we can mention them: repression and murder of indigenous farmers the South Mountain range the last year and but the recent one perpetrated the day 12 of June against the integral comrades of CODECI and Workers of the Three Powers, in where with but of thousand police, anti-riot elements, of special operations, dogs of attack, deafening pumps, lacrimogenos gases and toletes evacuated them violently, leaving to wounded, disappeared and 4 lengthy ones. The urgent actions podran to be sent to the Government of the State of Oaxaca, to the General Procuraduria of Justice and the electronicos post office of CIPO- RFM:,,,, and of the Union of Workers of the Three Powers BY The RECONSTRUCTION And IT FREES ASSOCIATION OF The TOWNS CIPO RFM Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca“RICARDO FLOWERS MAGON” UNION OF THE THREE POWERS |