Oaxaca de Juarez. Mexico 23 of November of 2003 We GO, BUT ALSO WE REMAINED.I complete bulletin. of this day.To The INHABITANTS OF THIS PLANET Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Magon Flowers. and the Union Front of Workers of the three powers, we have concluded the day of today the CULTURAL DAY, that beginning the day 17 of November which I include conferences, presentations of books, factories and fotograficas exhibitions, all of them with the purpose of showing the society in general the duenos situation of repression that exert the powerful ones and of the money on the sectors that are against and resist to their Politicall of death. Personalities participated mainly that in the state, national and international area have a work and commitment with the resistance of indigenous communities and unions. In the events our Working brothers of base of the union of the three powers of the state were present also, with that we maintain from day 16 of October of this year the PERMANENT CAMPING OF DENUNCIATION, installed in this city of Oaxaca, to demand the dismantling of paramilitary groups that operate in the state, and that massacreed 10 brothers of Santa Maria Yaviche, happened day 16 of October of 2003, the immediate freedom of Oliverio Neri Lopez, Still like garantia for the life of our companeros, mainly Raul Gatica, before the ultimos events of death threats that have received. In spite of the version of Jose Murat that says that it governs this state, of which we do not have anything to do with the facts that we denounced, we say, and we have proven it who this wise government, and Still we let it know at its moment of the possible aggression to the communities of the CIPO-RFM, and never he made nothing to avoid it. This demonstrates its complicity with the facts. The same it happens to other cases in which comrades as Oliverio Neri Lopez is in jail condemned by crimes that never have committed. The day of today we returned ourselves to our communities to continue fortifying and our uses and customs as form of resistance against the economicos plans that take to misery and death as they are the Plan Puebla Panama. We will continue with our fight against the true enemies, and for that reason also we pronounced ourselves by a resistance anywhere in the world that responds to collective interests. We also informed that to grief that the government does not respond to the reclamations of our communities, our hearts follow with the firm ideals and that we know that by its justeza, this fight we are going it to win, because always we will be in our communities, resisting. Not Still they, the governors who Since to see satisfied their Politicall aspirations iran themselves to openly rest, to enjoy the robbed thing, or to serve the powerful ones. Finally we announced that the denunciation camping seguira in zocalo until in as much is no justice to our demands. By the Reconstruction and He frees Association of the Towns Popular indigenous advice of Oaxaca, Ricardo Flowers Magon CIPO-RFM In front of workers of the Union of the Three Powers. |