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Mexico, DF, 11 of November 2003.

Enough lies, Mr. Murat!

(Letter published integramente in the newspaper Unomasuno the 25 of November of the 2003)



The people and organizations who we have shared good and bad with Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM, respectfully we correspond to the letter of the Government of Oaxaca, published the 5 of November of 2003 in the Day, where calumny and lies with respect to the CIPO-RFM and their members.

We will respond to Mr. Jose Murat that decides what it moves or not in its State and not to Mr. Carlos Velasco because nothing decides and According to its letter in the Mail Illustrated of 23/jun/03, he is racist when denying to the indigenous the capacity to write up a letter.

Dueno Mr. Excelentisimo of all the truths, you offend it intelligence of the readers when disqualifying the work documented and professional of Rose Rojas and Vivian Kerlegan. The new aggression towards the reporter of the Day and unomasuno looks for to shut up to the honest and incorruptible, little media between the average oaxHerenos.

It surprises that one verguenza world-wide, the degree of persecution against the indigenous towns, is his parametro of justice: libertad to 7000 indigenous! One of two: eran innocent, jailed by opponents to governments as his and it removes them now to use them like flag? Or, su finisima person, of great heart twists the law when excarcelar a sea of delinquents? But, aside from Oliverio Neri, Carlos Manzo and the other that the caravan has documented, cuantos indigenous would permaneceran prisoners because he judges "threaten" his mandate? Durante their management, industralists thieves, corrupt, repressive and genocidas civil employees sentiran justice, or, durante his I complete governmental report presented/displayed like profits that in Oaxaca occur shelters to you lead oil tankers and it is protected to paramilitary like Stopping Toimil?

The 1000 police cash, dogs and gases whereupon evacuated of the palace and 43 dependencies, to the union of 3 powers, CODECI and to the CIPO-RFM 12/jun/03, was a day of field: solo were 11 hurt and 4 lengthy ones! Para this 20 of November, the police forces dressed civilian, like other times, are going to intimidate, to strike, to evacuate, to stop and to assassinate to those who are pacificamente planted requesting punishment to the paramilitary ones that they massacred 16/oct/03 in Santa Maria Yaviche? Pedir justice against the members of the CROCUT senalados in file 146/2003 by 1 died and 9 hurt of bullet is provocation? Por that the assassins are free, without apprehension order, declares to be armed to exterminate to the CIPO-RFM and until are reunite with the government the 4 of November of 2003?

If the degree of corruption of its government is as much that it takes it to recognize publicamente that assigns budgets without pursuit, Why does not accept the invitations of the CIPO-RFM to evaluate the work of them publicamente? and side that the resources to droppers that under many pressures, pain and tear have started are in their communities and that their profits are been from the collective work, gueza, mutual aid between towns and sometimes, solidarity ours, including the international trips by reason for work, not of tourism, that make muchos/as of their representatives, among them the exit to Europe and Colombia de Inti. If sera has not been noticed of it, because his vision reaffirms the multiple deficiencies that todavia accompany to us? O quiza is to walk of light of the street and not to spend its shoes in the paths that lead the town?

On the other hand, which good that it mentions the "tests" that builds in the day, because they leave that to Raul Gatica not recibio totally clear a single weight. also not forgets that his government has process 1118/PME/2003 by lies that now repeats, because it is evident that the same lie repeats thousand times to isolate it, Since to stop it, to disappear it or to assassinate it, since it has tried it before. By the way, You calumny, defame and hurts to Raul Gatica like a few. Sera by the honesty, gives and consequence of its fight, not being corruptible, by its academic activity and literary recognitions, or already of plane by his huaraches? No longer it goes to him if possible to use his license of government to cover the sun with a finger, because the civil society, organisms of DH and other at state, national and international level, we know the reality Oaxaca, so distant to which is conceited.

Understand that but there to take advantage of the subject energia electrica or others of national importance to turn aside attention on its caciquil form to govern, in spite of using to the indigenous like estadisticos shields that help him to arrive at the following step in their search to be President of Mexico, the indigenous towns seguiran there doing tequio and Guelaguetza to develop autonomicos processes and to survive governors like you; their children seguiran in communitarian schools, that like the telesecundaria of Yaviche or the Preparatory one of San Cristobal Amoltepec, have of ceiling arbol, of walls the wind, professors without payment and plurinominales delegations never recibiran as scholarships.

We waited for Mr. Murat that nonsubject to debate before the society with the indigenous of the CIPO-RFM a balance of its government, on the concrete results in the indigenous towns with respect to education, use, health, house, justice, DH, paramilitary, function of the executive authority, legislative and judicial, deal with the social actors, federal handling of social programs, resources, corruption in its government, etc. Fix place, date and hour, it is safe that they arrived. Also, permitanos right now to extend the invitation to all that that this inconforme with its form to govern to that it loses the fear to denounce it.

PS. Curiosa! Contestara you or commanded to company/signature of your subditos - organizations, authorities, industralists of all type, etc. - the answer so that she does not stoop to the debate? To that Indian so obstinate, habria that to give them to a lesson truth? Perhaps to kill a few but, or at least to the annoying Raul Gatica, or already of perdis, to jail and to strike several. Or estamos mistaken?



SITUAM, COR, SNRTE, UNIOS, STTPDF, In front of the Town, FTLS, CNT, UJM, Union of the Sria. Of Energia, ASTINVI, Musicos Democraticos, Paschal Cooperative, MISON, Coord. Politecnicos Workers, SME, STTPDF, ANIPA, SERPAJ-MORELOS, GUBINA XXI, STRIKING GENERAL.


