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Camara de Diputados of the Honorable Congress of the Union, LIX Legislature

Estenografica version of the ordinary session of Tuesday 19 of October of 2004


President Francisco Vieyra Stream (PRI): I ask the secretary informs of this presidency the result of I compute of attendance of citizens and delegated citizens and delegated.

The Secretary Moral Marks Towers (PRD): One inquires to the presidency that exists registered 365 deputies and deputies previously. Therefore, there is quorum, senor president.

President Francisco Vieyra Stream: (11:00) The session is opened, requests the secretary to order the closing of the electronico registry of attendance.

The same Secretary: Cierrese the electronico system of attendance. One remembers the delegated citizens to them and deputies who those that there are not passed registry by means of the electronico system have 15 minutes to do it by cedula.

Deputy Adallan Guzman Cruz (PRD): With his venia, deputy President.

"Delegated Companeras and companeros:
"The one that subscribes, delegated federal of the LIX Legislature of the honorable Congress of the Union, with foundation in I articulate 58 of the Regulation for the Inner Government of the General Congress of the Mexican United States I put under this soberania proposition with agreement point, in accordance with the following considerations:
"With worrisome frequency the indigenouss communities of Oaxaca, asi like the organizations who represent them are object of repression and persecution to demand of pacifica way solution to their social demands. So it is the case of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon", that have suffered the pain the persecution, the imprisonment and the murder of some of their members.
"the balance from the creation of this organizacion of indigenouss communities has been 517 stopped and tortured, 103 paramilitary incursions of Ejercito, policia and, 81 you order of penal apprehension, 229 processes, 27 assassinated and 263 injured. The responsibility of this climate of institutional violence falls, segun senalan representing of the CIPO "Ricardo Flores Magon" in the governments of Diodoro Carrasco and Jose Murat, that has refused to I engage in a dialog.
"Between the demands of the CIPO they emphasize the respect to the human rights and autonomia of the integrated indigenouss communities in organizacion, to the repression punishment and, and the cease persecution disappearance paramilitary to his you lead people in charge of several crimenes, asi like solution to the agrarian conflicts. Far from being taken care of these demands, the 14 of policias September of this year of the special forces, using lagrimogenos gases, deafening pumps and water pipes, without warning of by means they both evacuated long waits of a hundred of members of the SIPO that tenian in front of the government palace. This repressive act I leave like result several injured and 14 lengthy ones.
With enormous effort the CIPO "Ricardo Flores Magon" profit to remove from prison to 8 of these people, Since to cover a guarantee with 45 thousand pesos by each one and the rest remains in prison.
Meanwhile the demands of Popular the indigenous Council Continuing without being taken care of reason why they maintain its long wait.
"By previously founded we put under to the consideration of this soberania the following one
"Point in Agreement:
"One. - The Camara de Diputados of the honorable Congress of the Union exhorts to the state and judicial authorities of the state of Oaxaca that they look for the suitable legal mechanisms to obtain the immediate and unconditional liberation of the shut in indigenouss prisoners in the Penitentiary of Ixcotel, Etla and Miahuatlan. They are: Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Daisy Garcia Garcia, Maru Lopez Alavez, Jose Cross Cross, Abacuc Cross Cruz and Reinaldo Hernandez Fair, asi like the absolute freedom of those who estan on bail free.
"Two. - The Camara de Diputados del Congress of the Union exhorts al government del been of Oaxaca to that the climate of repression and indigenouss violation of the individual and collective human rights of the towns stops and communities and the way is retaken del I engage in a dialog with the Council Popular indigenous "Ricardo Flores Magon".
I ask for its Integra publication in the Newspaper of Debates.
He is whatever, deputy President.



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