Urgent action in solidarity with CIPO RFM 26 of November of the 2004
Letter of the permanent Forum indigenous of O.N.U 26 of November of the 2004
The world congratulates to us to fight! 26 of November of the 2004
Worthy present Ochoa in the anniversary of CIPO RFM 22 of November of the 2004
Report of activities of CIPO RFM 21 of Nov. 2004
Report of activities of CIPO RFM 20 of Nov. 2004
Report of activities of CIPO RFM 19 of Nov. 2004
Letter of our sister Dolores; jailed by its activity and politico thought 18 of November of the 2004
7 TIMES 7 (CUMPLEAnOS Of the CIPO-RFM) 14 of November 2004
Photographs de shared in common Actividades withthe indigenouss towns of CIPO RFM from Espana.12 of November of the 2004
Support battalion to indigenouss Magonistas (GAIM)Espana. 12 of November of the 2004
Letter of the Popular Front of Organizations of the Southeastern of Veracruz 12 of November 2004
Intellectuals, academicos and journalists ask for the government stops the repression against CIPO-RFM 4 of November 2004
Envia a letter of protest to Governor 3 of November 2004
Report of activities from the 20 to the 31 of October CIPO RFM 3 of November 2004
Mobilization in Espana by the freedom of the prisoners of CIPO RFM 30 of October 2004
Camara of Deputies Federal demands the freedom of the politicos prisoners of 30 CIPO RFM October of the 2004
Mexico, when the facist state takes off the Mask. 30 of October 2004
The NAHUAS solidariazan and demand the freedom of Preosos of CIPO RFM from the montana of soldier 20 of October of the 2004
Report of activities of the Month of October 22 October 2004
DIP Abdallan Guzman envia a letter to Jose Murat 20 of October 2004
Concert by La Paz in Mexico D.F 20 of October 2004
Reflections on the relation of the society and means with the Indian towns. 20 of October 2004
Photographs de Manifestacion in Vigo, Espana.14 of October 2004
The periodic ones speak of CIPO RFM 12 of October 2004
Urgent! Attempt of Murder against Raul Gatica 1 October 2004
Bulletin from France 1 October2004
The Inter-American Commission of Human rights grants measures you will prevent by danger of life to Members of CIPO RFM 29 of September 2004
The Inter-American Commission of Human rights grants measures you will prevent by danger of life to Raul Gatica 29 of September 2004
Program of the Mission of 28 Human rights September 2004
It denounces before the Camara de Senadores 28 of September 2004
It denounces before the Camara de Federal Diputados 28 of September 2004
Mission of Observation of Human rights to the prisoners of CIPO-RFM 26 of September 2004
Shared in common letters to the piliticos prisoners of CIPO-RFM 26 of September 2004
chronology of "the dirty war in Oaxaca" (CNDH) 22 of September 2004
New evacuation of the 18 of September leaves 2 missing 18 of September 2004
The law is not justice, Jose murat violate our human rights 18 of September 2004
The government of Jose Murat engages in a dialogwith violence and repression 15 of September 2004
Fotografia of the prisoners Politicall 14 of September 2004
Since of the Brutal aggression, we entered Zocalo 14 of September 2004 again
The Policia distributes fotografias and acuasa to ours of aggressions 14 of Septoembre 2004
Evacuation with violence, arbitrary halting and tortures against Members of CIPO RFM 14 of
September 2004
Report of the encounter of Autonomias
27 of August 2004
Declaration of the V forum Mesoamericano 27 of August of the 2004
Greetings from Venezuela 27of August of the 2004
Platform of fight, Main Strategies and PossibleJoint operations 27 of August 2004
The Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas, Oaxacaand Guatemala denounces 27 of August 2004
II Intercontinental Summit of the towns and indigenouss communities of the towns Abya Yala 27 of August 2004
I Social Forum of Americas (FSA) 27 of August 2004
Declaration of IV the Mesoamericano Forum on Diversity Biologica and Cultural 27 of August 2004
Final declaration of III the Mesoamericano Forum Anti Dams 27 of August 2004
Program of activities in the "Encounter of Autonomias" 16 of August 2004
Convocatoaria to the "Encounter of Autonomias" 16 of August of the 2004
Companies of support to CIPO RFM 6 of August 2004
Manifestation in front of the Mexican embassy Berlin/Alemania 6 of August 2004
Images of the March "To defend the corn, to defend life" 25 of Julio 2004
The fight follows CIPO-RFM to 24 deJulio 2004
Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Muenster, Germany. 24 of Julio 2004
Organizacion of producers of cafeticultores of the municipality of San Juan cancuc, chiapas. 23 of Julio 2004
Lorenzo Bruggeman Courbevoie, France. 23 of Julio 2004
Service Peace and Justice in Latin America - SERPAJ-AL 20 of Julio 2004
Urgent! Official notice of CIPO RFM 19 of Julio 2004
Report of activities in this Day of Fight CIPO RFM 19 of Julio 2004
Guelaguetza is dignity that fights CIPO RFM 19 of July 2004
I engage in a dialog of Jose murat "a ridicule to our communities" 18 of Julio of the 2004
First Severely wounded in this day of fight CIPO RFM 16 of July 2004
Letter our shared in common brothers of Vigo,Espana 14 of Julio of the 2004
Honrrados hearts of the world, fight with us 13 of July 2004