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I send a summary to you of the activities carried out by Prohibitive to Desaliento from the 29 of October, when it was completes reunion.

1) Thursdays from 14:00 to 16:00 in the Vegano Dining room of the bar Pindio we have put a table and a placard informative to spread information of the CIPO and to gather companies for letters of support that shortly mendaremos.

2) miercoles 10 of Nov. to 20:30 the Prohibitive ones to Desaliento had the opportunity to leave to antenna in the program of radio of the Trebede, RNE-3, radio of national diffusion. Inaki Pain, the presenter of the program gave the opportunity us to comment what is Prohibitive to Desaliento and the CIPO-RFM and to publicitar the celebration that hariamos to the following day. In the interview everything was said what min. could during the 20 that lasts, although always the desire remain to say but. Thank you very much to Inaki It suffers.

3) 11-Nov we celebrated the celebration of support to the CIPO in the bar Malory and alla we spread information, we gathered but letters of support and sirvio of encounter with other people that demonstrate the great social support to us that these vindications tenen. We counted stories, were concerts and thorns and one sangria very, but that very rich that was prepared with carino by the Prohibitive ones.

4) In the faculty of Biologia one has obtained that a group of 20 students changes their destiny of the end-of-year trip and they are going away to go to Mexico to the communities of the CIPO-RFM. The fierce one that has obtained it is Irais. Brief Emn we will put ourselves in contact with the members of the CIPO so that they inform to us into the form in which this can be taken ahead.

Good, because this is what there is, that I believe that it is not little. Ademas we have good projects already to do shortly. You enjoy the photos.
A hug! I animate and utopia.

While a sonador exists, the freedom estara out of danger. (Dolores Villalobos, of the CIPO-RFM)

Photographs of the shared in common activities with the indigenouss prisoners of the CIPO-RFM
Health and anarkia


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