

power, corruption, & lies


Not a whole lot so far. If you want to consider this art, you can.

This is something I had been meaning to do for years. I had the poster, but then a certain person I lived with didn't want this up with my modifications. I think it's hilarious. My Jesus Goes West poster.

I have taken to painting stuff on leather jackets. So far, I've done two, and the last one took me over a year, because a certain someone who will remain nameless, but whose initials are Scott Stewart never gave me a real deadline. The frustration of doing his jacket (it turned out much poorer than I had hoped), has really given me an urge to buy an airbrush. We'll see.

Just so you know what you're looking at, Scott asked me to do some sort of cross between the Net Bug from Tron and some of the old Spyder ski jackets. Upon watching Tron again for the first time in at least ten years, I noticed that the net bug was green (and not red like in the video game), and only had four legs. With Scott's approval, I rectified this obvious error, gave it eight legs and made it electric blue with silver highlights. The colors look great, but hopefully he won't wear it out in the daylight too much, as the craftsmanship is somewhat less than perfect.

I did my own jacket a couple of years ago, and I really like it, even if it is rather simple. If I get an airbrush, I might add more to it, and I'll include some pictures soon.