

power, corruption, & lies


After buying a digital camera, handing it to friends at parties, and other methods of tricking people into taking pictures, I've got a pile more pictures. Enjoy.

A whole random slew of pictures of friends and myself.

New Year's

A pile of pictures from one of Jen's parties...


  • My portrayal of an Agent Smith, which was said to look like a robot by an unenlightened party-goer. Yay!
  • Jess, the little girl.
  • Although I don't know who this was, I was really impressed by this catlady costume.
  • Tony and Jess, flaunting it for the camera.
  • Jen, done with the bad girl act.
  • Pink.
  • Todd, who is always happy, but had also drank multiple Guinness that night...

Some pictures from Convergence V.

And some pictures taken on 5/30/99 in DC...yay!