Tue Nov 15 09:22:41 CST 1994
Paul Delany asks:
"Jack Gibbs' mantra recalls Louise Brooks' saying: "I never gave
anything away without wishing I had kept it; nor kept anything
without wishing I had given it away."
Anyone know of references to *Pandora's Box* or *The Diary of a
Lost Girl* in TP (directed by Pabst)?"
I'm not aware of any, though I've looked. Pynchon mentions Pabst in passing'
in GR once, when talking about von Goll's past, but it's unclear (to me,
at least) that he'd actually seen any of his films, including the ones with
Brooks. Von Goll's shifting political alliances do vaguely parallel Pabsts'
transformation from a left-winger (KAMMERADSCHAFT, THE THREE-PENNY OPERA) to
at least apolitical collaborator under the Nazis, but that's a vague connec-
tion indeed.
--Don Larsson, Mankato State U., MN
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