New issue of _Pynchon Notes_ coming soon
John M. Krafft
jmkrafft at
Mon Oct 3 09:32:35 CDT 1994
Now in Press
John M. Krafft
Miami University--Hamilton
1601 Peck Boulevard
Hamilton, OH 45011-3399
E-mail: jmkrafft at
Bernard Duyfhuizen
English Department
University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
E-mail: pnotesbd/en1 at
Khachig Tololyan
English Department
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT 06457-6061
E-mail: ktololyan at
_Pynchon Notes_ is published twice a year, in spring and fall.
Submissions: The editors welcome submission of manuscripts
either in traditional form or on computer disk. Disks may be
5.25" or 3.5"; IBM-compatible preferred. Convenient formats
include DCA, WordStar, Microsoft Word or RTF, and WordPerfect.
Manuscripts, notes and queries, and bibliographic information
should be addressed to John M. Krafft.
Subscriptions: North America, $5.00 per single issue or $9.00
per year (or double number); Overseas, $6.50 per single issue
or $12.00 per year, mailed air/printed matter. Checks should
be made payable to Bernard Duyfhuizen--PN. Subscriptions and
back-issue requests should be addressed to Bernard Duyfhuizen.
_Pynchon Notes_ is supported in part by the English
Departments of Miami University--Hamilton and the University
of Wisconsin--Eau Claire.
Copyright (c) 1994
John M. Krafft, Bernard Duyfhuizen, and Khachig Tololyan
ISSN 0278-1891
Contents of _PN_ 30-31
_Vineland_ and Dystopian Fiction
M. Keith Booker 5
"Dangerously Absent Dreamers": Genealogy, History and the
Political Left in _Vineland_
Barbara L. Pittman 39
The Economy of Consumption: The Entropy of Leisure in
Pynchon's _Vineland_
David Thoreen 53
Chants of Dispossession and Exile: the Yuroks in _Vineland_
Rosita Becke and Dirk Vanderbeke 63
Imaginary Locales in Pynchon's _Vineland_
Mark D. Hawthorne 77
Invisibility, the War Machine and Prigogine: Physics, Philosophy
and the Threshold of Historical Consciousness in Pynchon's Zone
Martin E. Rosenberg 91
The Romance of the '60s: Self, Community and the
Ethical in _The Crying of Lot 49_
John Farrell 139
Luddism in "Under the Rose"
Eric Carl Link 157
The Power of Love in _Chimera_ and _V._
Darcy E. Howe 165
Profane Illuminations: Benny Profane, Herbert Stencil and
Walter Benjamin's _Flaneur_
Louis P. Simon, Jr. 172
Re-reading _The Crying of Lot 49_: A Note on the _Oz_ Connection
Angela Reich 179
A Note on "Pierce Inverarity"
Robert Brazeau 185
Slothrop Unbound: Shelley's Prometheus and _Gravity's Rainbow_
Raymond Benoit 188
Between Hammerfall and Hammerstroke (Review)
Robert R. Hill 192
Celebrate, Celebrate (Review)
Richard Sullivan 194
In the Matrix (Review)
Reginald Martin 198
Twayne in Vain (Review)
Michael Berube 201
Revisiting Postmodernism (Review)
David Seed 205
Where Has All the Theory Gone? (Review)
Hanjo Berressem 210
Other Books Received 214
Notes 215
Bibliography (-1994) 217
Contributors 229
Back Issues
_Pynchon Notes_ has been published since October 1979.
Although most back issues are now out of print, they are
available in the form of photocopies.
Nos. 1- 4: $1.50 each; Overseas, $ 2.50.
Nos. 5-10: $2.50 each; Overseas, $ 3.50.
Nos. 11-17: $3.00 each; Overseas, $ 4.50.
No. 18-19: $7.00; Overseas, $10.00.
No. 20-21: $7.00; Overseas, $10.00.
No. 22-23: $9.00; Overseas, $12.00.
No. 24-25: $9.00; Overseas, $12.00.
No. 26-27: $9.00; Overseas, $12.00.
No. 28-29: $9.00; Overseas, $12.00.
Khachig Tololyan and Clay Leighton's _Index_ to all the names,
other capitalized nouns, and acronyms in _Gravity's Rainbow_
is also available.
_Index_: $5.00; Overseas, $6.50, mailed air/printed matter.
All checks should be made payable to Bernard Duyfhuizen--PN.
Overseas checks must be payable in US dollars and payable
through an American bank or an American branch of an overseas
_Pynchon Notes_ is a member of CELJ,
the Conference of Editors of Learned Journals.
John M. Krafft, English | Miami University--Hamilton
Voice: 513-863-8833, ext. 342 | 1601 Peck Boulevard
Fax: 513-863-1655 | Hamilton, OH 45011-3399
E-mail: jmkrafft at
jmkrafft at
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