subscribing to pynchon-l
Mon Oct 3 12:27:18 CDT 1994
pynchon-l is now run under a program at sfu called Majordomo.
Majordomo is a piece of software used for managing mailing lists. To
manage a list you send e-mail requests to majordomo at (or
mailing-lists at if you find that easier to remember).
The are two types of lists, OPEN and CLOSED, the distinction being
whether people are free to join themselves into the list (open) or
whether the owner controls who should be a member (closed).
pynchon-l is at present an open list and will remain that
way until I am provided with a good reason to screen
People "subscribe" to OPEN lists directly (and "unsubscribe" from
them) by sending e-mail messages to majordomo at
E.g: To join pynchon-l, a person would send mail like this:
To: majordomo at
subscribe pynchon-l
That is:
You send your mail to
majordomo at
You needn't specify a subject.
And the entire contents of the message,
on the first line of the message are:
subscribe pynchon-l
unless you want to subscribe an address other
than the one you are sending from, in which case
the entire contents of the message,
on the first line of the message are:
subscribe pynchon-l youraddresshere at
unsubscribe follows the same procedure except that you cannot
from a different address than that from which you are mailing.
The commands that you might need to know concerning majordomo and
pynchon-l are:
subscribe <list> [<address>] Subscribe yourself (or
<address> if specified) to the named <list>.
unsubscribe <list> [<address>] Unsubscribe yourself (or
<address> if specified) from the named <list>.
We do not have automatic archive ability.
We do NOT have the ability to set an AUTOMATIC GROUP REPLY
so you must take care to reply to the GROUP yourself if
that is what you wish to do rather than replying to the INDIVIDUAL
sending the message.
John (Jody) K. Gilbert
Department of English
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
office phone (604) 291-3220
dept. phone (604) 291-3136
internet gilbert at
More information about the Pynchon-l
mailing list