Warwick Conference

JAN at scifi.tv.bbc.co.uk JAN at scifi.tv.bbc.co.uk
Tue Oct 4 13:03:00 CDT 1994

This is the latest I have on the Pynchon conference at Warwick this November
(from Eric Cassidy).
Current list of speakers: ENGLAND: David Seed, Leeds; Deborah Madsen,
Leicester; James Williams, Dundee; Nick Land, Warwick: Sadie Plant,
Birmingham (These last two are provisional); AMERICA: David Porush,
Rennesselaer Polytechnic Institute; John Johnston, Emory; Steven
Weisenburger, Kentucky; John Krafft, editor, PYNCHON NOTES; Duffy
Duyhfuzian, editor, PYNCHON NOTES; Martin Rosenburg, E. Kentucky;
Bonnie Lenore Surfus, South Florida; FRANCE: Pierre-Yves Pontillon,
Ecole Normale....
By now, there may be more (or less!), and there are likely to be many
interesting attendees who are not formally speaking.
The dates are Saturday and Sunday, 19-20 November.
If interested in attending, the person to contact is one Eric Cassidy:
PYRBE at snow.csv.warwick.ac.uk
Hope this is of some help....

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