please help your poor pynchon-l owner
Jody Keith Gilbert
Wed Oct 5 11:53:19 CDT 1994
I need some help with the following mail error message. I cannot
determine which address it is that is responsible for the
"> Address doesn't refer to a known recipient."
message. There is noone on the list at "".
Our postmaster suggests that someone on the list has set a forwarding
address to "" and then that forwarding address has
become nonexistent. I tried sending a message to
postmaster at,
but to no avail. I am tiring of these error messages every time a
post goes to the list. If anyone out there determines that they are
in fact responsible, penance will be accepted in the form of a first
edition of *V*.
Forwarded message:
> From MAILER-DAEMON at Tue Oct 4 12:37:27 1994
> X-Nvlenv-01Date-Posted: 4-Oct-1994 12:40:58 -0700; at
> pcsimail.pcsi.cirrus
> X-Nvl-Content-Type: MULTIPART; 1-S; $----Novell--Attachment----$
> Date: 04 Oct 94 12:40:57 PDT
> To: <owner-pynchon-l at>
> From: mailer-daemon%pcsimail at
> Message-Id: <"D1AF912E8196357C at pcsimail.pcsi.cirrus"@-SMF->
> Subject: Returned mail: Non delivery of message.
> ------- Transcript of Report follows ------
> 01Report-Date: 4-Oct-1994 12:40:57 -0700; at pcsimail.pcsi.cirrus
> Re-Content-Subject: V. and Lot 49
> Re-Content-Message-ID:
> <Pine.3.88.9410041401.A20387-0100000 at>
> Report-Explanation: Address doesn't refer to a known recipient.
> Rejected-For: kl, origin NGM, event# 319, subevent# 0, explanation
> Address doesn't refer to a known recipient.
> --$----Novell--Attachment----$
> X-NVL-Content-Typename: mms
> X-NVL-Content-Transfer-Encoding: X-TRACEBINARY
> Received: from by pcsimail (NGMSMTP V1.0)
> id 2e91afc8; Tue, 4 Oct 94 12:40:56 PDT
> Received: (daemon at localhost) by (8.6.8/SFU-2.6H)
> id MAA19473 for pynchon-l-list (from owner-pynchon-l); Tue, 4 Oct 1994 12:07:06 -0700
> X-NVLIPM-MTS-Message-ID: D0AF912E8196357C
> X-NVLIPM-22Hop-Count: 6
> X-NVLIPM-03Errors-To: "owner-pynchon-l at"@unix.pcsi.cirrus
> X-NVLIPM-Return-With-Content: requested
> X-NVLIPM-Notify-On-Delivery: not-requested
> X-NVLIPM-Notify-On-NonDelivery: requested
> X-NVLIPM-Notify-On-Receipt: not-requested
> X-NVLIPM-Notify-On-NonReceipt: not-requested
> X-NVLIPM-Alternate-User-Agent: allowed
> X-NVLIPM-Alternate-Recipient: allowed
> X-NVLIPM-Body-Part-Conversion: allowed
> X-NVLIPM-Message-Class: normal
> X-NVLIPM-Priority: normal
> --$----Novell--Attachment----$
> X-NVL-Content-Typename: rfc822
> X-NVL-Content-Info: mms=rfc822
> Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 15:06:57 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "James W. Horton" <jwhorton at>
> Reply-To: "James W. Horton" <jwhorton at>
> Subject: V. and Lot 49
> To: pynchon-l at
> In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.87.9410032338.A26272-0100000 at chuma>
> Message-Id: <Pine.3.88.9410041401.A20387-0100000 at>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Sender: owner-pynchon-l at
> Precedence: bulk
> I am so glad to hear that there are people who prefer V. to
> Lot49. I think you are right about the semiotic thing, Lot49 lends
> itself the most obviously to this kind of interpretation. There is
> another related element too, I think. That is, the emotional depth of V.
> tends to be much greater: lots of youthful as well as aged melancholy,
> Conradian angst about the modern world, nameless terrors about machinery
> and nihilism that can't really be completely explained by "aporia" or the
> unreliability of the sign (though even Lot49 has more to it than that) etc.
> Sometimes I think those who favour Lot49 imagine that the emotional
> depth of V. requires immature responses that one is supposed to grow out
> of. I disagree with these people.
> There is one good (but not necessarily sufficient) reason that
> Lot49 is taught far more often than V.: it's much shorter. You need
> very dedicated students to read it unless you have the good luck to have
> a group that twigs on to it right away. That being said, though, I wonder
> whether I shouldn't have assigned it this year (oh well, too late) in
> stead of Lot49.
> I think there is another reason why V. gets too little attention:
> maybe I'm just imagining this, but I think it's the "not bad for a first
> novel" phenomenon. Some people are convinced that your first book,
> especially if you are very young when you write it, can't possibly be
> brilliant. This idea caters to those who have slogged away for years at
> their work and through no fault of their own just haven't managed to
> write anything very good. However, the evidence is in the text.
> J.W. Horton
> --$----Novell--Attachment----$--
John (Jody) K. Gilbert
Department of English
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
office phone (604) 291-3220
dept. phone (604) 291-3136
internet gilbert at
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