Alec W Mchoul
mchoul at
Mon Sep 12 23:55:41 CDT 1994
Dear List Members:
With Jody's permission, I'm sending quite a long file to the list.
It's a summary of GR that I compiled while I was doing the _Writing
Pynchon_ project with David Wills (Illinois UP and Macmillan UK).
The basic idea is to be able to find passages and episodes within the
text - which is actually quite hard given its length.
However, the present contents are somewhat idiosyncratic and users might
like to delete some of my entries and add their own - once the file is
downloaded to a wordprocessor.
Either way, I think the numbering system is a useful mnemonic guide.
I'd be pleased to have suggested entries, corrections, re-readings if you
have any - but I don't want it to get so long as to be useless.
Lastly: because of file-transfer protocols, the present file is text only
and so all diacritical marks (etc.) have dropped out.
Sorry: I don't have the expertise to keep these in.
Happy hunting:
Alec McHoul, Murdoch University
[Page references are to the Jonathan Cape/Viking editions of
1973. The first number in each sequence refers to one of the
novel's four parts. The second number refers to the section -
each section being marked off in the text by seven small
squares (perhaps sprocket holes). Some sections have been split
into smaller sub-sections. However, sub-sectional numbers are
only used where either (a) the section is physically split by a
blank line or (b) it is marked off by a definite title (such as "The
Story of Byron the Bulb"). Titles of this sort are shown in
quotation marks. Hence, the structure marked below
corresponds very much to mechanical textual divisions.
Occasionally time and scene changes are noted within sections
or sub-sections.]
1.1 Evacuation, an anonymous crowd scene (runs to p4) and
could simply be part of Pirate's dream; Pirate Prentice rises in
the morning, pp3-7.
1.2 The Banana Breakfast; Pirate's "condition"; the giant
Adenoid, pp7-16.
1.3 Teddy Bloat photographs Slothrop's map, pp17-19.
1.4 Slothrop inspects the V2 site; details of his history, pp20-29.
1.5 Jessica Swanlake at the seance; the Mysterious Microfilm
Drill; details of Jessica and Roger's relationship, pp29-37.
1.6 Roger Mexico and Jessica's life together; they go to
Pointsman's to work on his dogs, pp37-42.
1.7 Pointsman hunts the dog; The Book, pp42-47.
1.8 Kevin Spectro and Pointsman discuss Slothrop; the octopus,
1.9 Mexico and Swanlake rise in the morning; Mexico at work;
the two of them at home, pp53-60.
1.10 Slothrop under the truth-drug at PISCES; many recollective
episodes, including the harmonica-down-the-toilet (pp62ff), the
Kenosha Kid, the Crutchfield or Crouchfield episode (pp67ff),
1.11 Pirate and Scorpia "make love" (though it's not certain that
it's Scorpia or that Pirate isn't just masturbating); section starts
with material on Jamf's Kryptosam, pp71-72.
1.12 At the White Visitation; Pudding's briefing; the Le Froyd
episode, pp72-83.
1.13 Slothrop's "condition" and theories thereof; most of the
background on Jamf; plot material (esp. p84). (Some of this
section runs like "critical theories of what GR is about" - some
metafictional possibilities then.) The material on the explosion
preceding the sound of the rocket falling and Slothrop's sexual
encounters as a parallel pre-response, pp83-92.
1.14 Katje, Gottfried and Blicero. Includes Pirate's involvement
with Katje; also the dodo episode with Frans van der Groov
(pp108-111). Link between v.d. Groov and Prentice/Osbie feel
is the preference for a rather uneconomic weapon. Section
opens and closes with cinematic description - the Katje film,
1.15 Slothrop and Darlene, the Disgusting English Candy drill,
1.16.1 Mexico, Swanlake, sex, pp120-122.
1.16.2 Midget truck episode, pp122-123
1.16.3 Continuation of 1.16.1, pp123-124
1.16.4 Mexico finds Swanlake's hair in mysterious
circumstances, pp124-126
1.16.5 Swanlake compares Mexico with Beaver, pp126-127
1.16.6 Christmas church service somewhere in Kent; includes
the patient who WAS WWII, extended commentary on life,
death and war, pp127-136.
1.17.1 "You" dream (where the dreamer may be Pointsman),
1.17.2 Spectro's death, the White Visitation, pp138-140
1.17.3 Pointsman at night; p144 gives an insight into
Pointsman's ways of "making sense" of things, pp140-144.
1.18 The particular gifts of the freaks at the White Visitation; on
the science-ESP connection; on Jamf and the psychology-
chemistry connection and the parts these play in the "ideology
of the Zero" (p149); also St Blaise's vision and the Angel (p151).
Weissmann (cf. V.) crops up (p152) - though not yet as
"identical" with Blicero; the Sociology of the Other Side (p153);
links to next section via mention of Leni Pokler, pp145-154.
1.19 Leni leaves her husband Franz and goes to live with a
group of "revolutionaries"; Leni's history; her version of the
world contrasted with Franz's scientistic/engineering view;
connection between cinema/film and revolution, war, science;
Kurt Mondaugen (cf. V.) turns up (p161); Jamf's scientific
genealogy (p161) and Franz's involvement with it. From p163:
the seance at Peter Sachsa's where the late foreign minister,
Walter Rathenau, is contacted and makes predictions on the
future of science (chemicals, dyes, rocketry, etc.), pp154-167.
1.20 Pointsman, Gwenhidwy, Christmas, children. Pointsman
gets a blow job at the Christmas party; Gwenhidwy spills his
theory of the City Paranoiac (p171), pp167-174.
1.21 Mexico and Swanlake at the latter's sister's house, Boxing
Day 1944. The pantomime and its parallels with the
Katje/Gottfried Oven episode (cf. 4.12.12); the Song of Death;
Penelope (Jessica's niece) is visited by her father's ghost,
perhaps, pp174-177.
2.1 Slothrop, Mucker-Maffick and Bloat go to the beach, South of
France, March 1945. The "set up" for Slothrop to rescue Katje
from the octopus, pp181-189.
2.2 Porkyevitch out at sea with Grigori the octopus; Slothrop
over 24 hours at the Casino with various scenes including that
with Katje, the chase, the secret gaming room, more of
Slothrop's history, pp189-205.
2.3 Slothrop with Katje and Sir Stephen Dodson-Truck - mostly
plot material; includes Sir Stephen's Confession; Eventyr, Sachsa
and Leni (p217ff) connected to the earlier scene via mention of
Nora Dodson-Truck; back to the Casino - Sir Stephen disappears,
2.4 At the White Visitation, the Slothrop group, Webley's rat
dance, Pudding and the Mistress of the Night (Katje?) where he
gets his just dessert - some parallels between Pudding and
Blicero, pp226-236.
2.5 Across the Western Front; at the White Visitation; at the
Casino again - Slothrop with Feldspath and Bounce, including
mostly Rocket material and the connection between IG Farben,
Shell and ICI, pp236-244.
2.6 The party at Raoul's, Waxwing and the Sherman tank.
Slothrop gets his zoot suit, pp244-249.
2.7.1 Story of Imipolex G, Tantivy's death, Slothrop goes to Nice,
his ""freedom", first mention of 00000, pp249-257.
2.7.2 Zurich, on the track of Imipolex G, Slothrop meets
Schweitar, does a deal with Squalidozzi, goes to Geneva and
back; Jamf's grave, pp257-269.
2.8 Pointsman at the seaside, the end of the war, the
(previously fictional) Schwarzkommando turn out to be "real";
Katje turns out to be the Mistress of the Night (see 2.4);
Pointsman goes pathological (p274), pp269-278.
PART 3: IN THE ZONE, pp279-616
3.1 Slothrop in the Zone, by train to Nordhausen, meets the
anonymous dancing child, Marvy, Enzian and Geli Tripping, gets
a clue to the 00000, lots of Slothrop-Jamf plot connections; a
little material on the Hereroes, major plot sequence (p285), first
"address to the reader" (?) (p287), the story of Geli and
Tchitcherine, pp281-295.
3.2 Slothrop's tour of the Rocket installation, the architecture of
the place, Glimf and the chase by Marvy's Men. First talk here
of space suits, etc. (p296); Slothrop's memory of Katje (p301);
GR as a novel of "Post-A4 humanity"? (p304). Slothrop is called
"TS" (p314) - another American in Europe, pp295-314.
3.3 Enzian and the Schwarzkommando at Nordhausen; history of
the Hereroes and their big death theme. Poem/prose interface
(p320); Godel. Discovery that Blicero equals Weissmann (p322).
Connections between Tchitcherine, Enzian, Weissmann/Blicero
and Pudding..., pp314-329.
3.4 Slothrop and Geli at the Brockengespenstphanomen; trip by
balloon to Berlin, aerial fight with Marvy's Men and custard
pies. mention of Slothrop's ancestor, Amy Sprue (p329), pp329-
3.5.1 Rural life in the Zone; Tchitcherine's part in things (he is
portrayed as "more metal than anything else" (p337)), pp336-
3.5.2 Tchitcherine earlier at Seven Rivers with Dzaqyp Qulan,
the language program there; material on the use of the
alphabet, pp338-342.
3.5.3 Continuation of 3.5.1, Tchitcherine and the horse, Snake,
3.5.4 Tales of Tchitcherine that have got around, "the woman",
Wimpe, Chu Piang, his father, the Committees on Language.
Feud between Tchitcherine and Enzian, Tchitcherine's obsession
with his half-brother. The tale of Rozhdestvenski and his fleet
(p350). "How alphabetic is the nature of molecules" (p355),
3.5.5 Continuation of 3.5.1 and 3.5.3, Tchitcherine and Dzaqyp at
the singing duel and the aqyn's song. Tchitcherine and the
awakening at the Kirghiz Light, pp356-359.
3.6 Slothrop gets sick, the Schwarzkommando find an A4,
Slothrop scores a joint and the Rocketman outfit; at the Chicago
Bar with Bodine (cf. 4.12.1), the Dope Deal. Now the
Schwarzkommando turn out to be "fiction" (p362), pp359-371.
3.7 Slothrop, morning Berlin, to Neubabelsberg/Potsdam to pick
up the dope - cinematic themes. Slothrop's ID becomes Max
Schlepzig (turns out to be Greta's boyfriend and maybe Bianca's
father - an old time film star); the invisibility of fiction (p379),
3.8 The Argentinian U-boat, Squalidozzi in Bavaria - plans for
his film of Martin Fierro by der Springer (= von Goll); torpedo
scene between the U-boat and the John E. Badass. Tie-ups
between IG, film, Springer and Jamf (p387), pp383-390.
3.9 Tchitcherine and Dzabjev reflect on the interrogation of
Slothrop (second use of Sodium Amytal on TS - see 1.10); use of
the "Black" theme by Slothrop in his ravings which, of course,
has the desired effect on Tchitcherine, pp390-392.
3.10 Slothrop after the interrogation, meets Margherita (Greta)
Erdmann in a movie studio; sado-masochism scene. Nb.: the
hook-up over a long textual space (pp370-393 "This is how he
comes to meet Margherita Erdmann" (p370)). Some material on
Bianca and her origins which is important for the Pokler : Ilse ::
Slothrop: Bianca connection, pp392-397.
3.11 Pokler alone now in Peenemunde (note the ellipsis
connecting this with 3.10 above); his part in the A4, plenty of
chemical and engineering material; Ilse and the Zwolfkinder;
Pokler's struggle with Weissmann, Mondaugen, Kekule's dream
of the serpent, Pokler goes to Nordhausen. Central section which
establishes Pokler as important to Slothrop's uncertain quest.
Pokler : Ilse :: Slothrop : Bianca connection is made via the
theme of cinema and insemination. Frieda the pig is around
here - she has her part later (3.28) in bringing Slothrop and
Pokler together. Mondaugen's story (p403). Leni is interned by
the SS, pp397-433.
3.12 Slothrop goes back to Berlin, finds the Imipolex G chess-
knight, goes to Saure's with the dope; life with Erdmann on the
Spree. Rocketman! Spaceman! (p438). Dream I and Dream II,
3.13 The Toiletship Rucksichtslos; inspection by General Electric
and use by the Schwarzkommando to interrogate Achtfaden re.
his work on the S-Gerat. Mention of Rozhdestvenski (p452),
3.14 Slothrop and Erdmann on the Spree-Oder canal; to Bad
Karma and the woman in black; they join up with the Anubis;
Thanatz, Bianca's parentage again, orgy scene. Bianca may be a
product of the movie. Comparisons between the orgy and the
party at Raoul Perlimpimpin's (cf. permanent party in V.
attended by Weissmann and Mondaugen where "the world is all
that is the case" arises), pp457-468.
3.15 Bianca and Slothrop, sex. mention of Slothrop's woman in
America, pp468-472.
3.16.1 Slothrop meets Morituri, pp473-474.
3.16.2 "Ensign Morituri's Story": Erdmann as child-murderer,
Morituri's only act of heroism, pp474-479.
3.16.3 Continuation of 3.16.1; Erdmann hides, Bianca and
Thanatz disappear; Slothrop gets a partial change of costume
(p480), pp479-482.
3.17.1 Erdmann's past 1: identity, p482.
3.17.2 Erdmann's past 2: cowgirl, the horse Snake reappears
from 3.5.3, pp482-483.
3.17.3 Erdmann's past 3: necrophiliac, p483.
3.17.4 Erdmann's past 4: movie scene with bathtub, pp483-484.
3.17.5 Erdmann's past 5: re. Bianca, p484.
3.17.6 Erdmann's past 6: sado-masochism with Thanatz, p484.
3.17.7 Erdmann's past 7: the sado-masochism vision, p484.
3.17.8 Erdmann's past 8: in the V-bombed town, p485.
3.17.9 Erdmann's past 9: the tale of 3.17.8 continues but is told
in direct speech to Slothrop in the head of the Anubis; a direct
narrative including details of Blicero and the Imipolex G orgy,
3.18 On board the Anubis, reflection time for Slothrop - he loses
interest in his quest, pp488-491.
3.19 On Frau Gnahb's boat - Slothrop on his way to meet
Springer and contract with him for the S-Gerat; Springer,
Narrisch and Slothrop go to Peenemunde; Zhdaev raids Springer;
a little slapstick. Springer's philosophy (p494). Otto (Gnahb's
kid) on the topic of the Mother Conspiracy (see 4.6.l (p505)),
3.20.1 The rescue of Springer from the Russians. from about
p509, Slothrop, having lost interest, begins to slowly fade out -
if this can be said to have a beginning at all. Parallel to this: he
works only as a sort of minor figure in Part 1 anyway.
Mondaugen's Law (p509). Slothrop gets a Russian costume
(p513). Theme of codes (inc. Morse), pp505-516.
3.20.2 Narrisch's reflection. Information on the S-Gerat, pp516-
3.21 The Schwarzkommando check out Christian's sister, Maria,
after her abortion; at the Jamf Olfabriken Werke; Enzian's
vision; Pavel's search for the Key/Text. Useful stuff on "text"
here and semiosis generally, lost messages and so on (p520).
Pavel and the Moss Creature (p523), pp518-525.
3.22.1 Back to Swinemunde with Gnahb; deal with Springer
(Slothrop helps out and Springer gets him a discharge); some
intimation of Narrisch's fate; the raid on the Anubis to get
Springer's parcel. Slothrop is beaten up by a person unknown,
3.22.2 Slothrop gets off at Straslund, p532.
3.23 back at the old White Vis., Pudding is now dead, Katje finds
and watches films of herself taken back at 1.14 and film of
Osbie Feel. She visits Osbie, pp532-536.
3.24 Pirate Prentice at the Old Firm Convention, Rapier's Sermon
(Critical Mass), Pirate's interrogation (about what? for what?),
with Katje: a final sunset and dancing. How I Came to Love the
People (p547), pp537-548.
3.25 Slothrop in a small town on the way to Cuxhaven (where
Springer is to deliver his discharge); debris of war; dream of
Tantivy; Ludwig and his lemming; William Slothrop's story;
comes face to face with Major Marvy. Stuff on Slothrop's family
paper business, pp549-557.
3.26 Slothrop in Russian uniform meets Marvy (cont. of 3.25)
and Bloody Chiclitz who put "him" (= the Russians) on to the
Schwarzkommando. Slothrop and the Schwarzkommando swap
Rocket information. Marvy's atomic chilli; Chiclitz's awful toys,
the Juicy Jap and the Shufflin' Sam, pp557-563.
3.27 What Narrisch knew of the Rocket; Marvy and Tchitcherine
out to raid the Schwarzkommando who have meanwhile been
tipped off by Slothrop; Tchitcherine's vision of the Rocket cartel.
The finger (p566), pp563-566.
3.28 En route to Cuxhaven, the pig festival and blackmarket
raid in which Slothrop defends the people; meets the nameless
girl who helps him out of town; Frieda the pig (from 3.11) leads
Slothrop to Pokler. Change of costume for Slothrop. Zwolfkinder
figures again - again in anticipation of the Pokler : Ilse ::
Slothrop : Bianca connection (and Margherita : Leni (cf. 3.31)?),
3.29 Pokler reflects (to Slothrop): old German movie fetishes
and Jamf's lectures, pp577-580.
3.30 Lyle Bland's story (connection via Pokler), business, the
Masons, the pin-ball fiasco and, finally, astral travel, pp580-
3.31 In Cuxhaven, Muffage and Spontoon are after Slothrop (spy
medics?), Krypton's deals, Bodine's Runcible Spoon Fight; Bodine,
Slothrop and Krypton hijack a Red Cross van to Puzzi's and
another permanent party; Bodine and Marvy's deal; Marvy gets
confused for Slothrop by virtue of donning the pig costume
after the raid and gets his balls cut off my Muffage and
Spontoon. Slothrop ends up with "Solange" - a prostitute who
turns out to be Leni Pokler. The Red Cross Girl, Shirley, takes
cocaine. Passage on p610 re. Ilse, pp591-610.
3.32 What happened to Tchitcherine, the Argentinians, the dogs,
Pointsman; Mossmoon and Scammony (who is revealed to be
pretty deeply behind all this) discuss Pointsman and Slothrop;
comes down against Homosexuality in High Places - celebrates
some of the relations-between-men in WWI, pp610-616.
4.1 Slothrop in the mountains, the harmonica; Prentice hijacks a
plane; Saure argues with Gustav (still) about music; the signs of
the Zone; the end of the rainbow, pp619-626.
4.2 Roger Mexico in the Zone looking for Slothrop; Jessica has
left him; Mexico discovers more of the Rocket plot; he raids
Pointsman's office; goes to visit Prentice; the idea of the
Counterforce. Chance here that Pointsman may have known all
about Slothrop from the beginning (p631). Use of quotation
marks (p634), pp626-640.
4.3.1 Pensiero gives the (?) Colonel a haircut; the Colonel's
dream, including Skippy and Mr Information; Happyville. Also
uses the harmonica theme, pp640-647.
4.3.2 "The Story of Byron the Bulb", pp647-655.
4.3.3 Continuation of 4.3.1; Jamf and the Colonel; the Colonel is
stabbed, p655.
4.4 Katje meets Enzian - they talk of Slothrop and Blicero,
4.5 Thanatz and the lightning-struck undertaker; the
homosexual camp; Thanatz is sent as a DP back to Berlin; gives
his knowledge of the S-Gerat to the Schwarzkommando, pp663-
4.6.1 Slothrop and the four super-heroes go to rescue the
Radiant Hour; the father-conspiracy (see 3.19), pp674-681.
4.6.2 "The Low-Frequency Listener": Slothrop tries to contact
Squalidozzi, pp681-682.
4.6.3 "Mom Slothrop's Letter to Ambassador Kennedy" (= Jack's
father), pp682-683.
4.6.4 "On the Phrase 'Ass Backwards'": Saure and Slothrop; Saure
and Minne Khlaetsch. Includes the Doper's Cadenza, pp683-687.
4.6.5 "Shit 'n' Shinola": Saure, Bodine, Slothrop; Jack Kennedy
and Malcolm X. Possibility of a Veronica Rat here, pp687-688.
4.6.6 "An Incident in the Transvestite's Toilet": Slothrop and the
sodium bomb, pp688-690.
4.6.7 "A Moment of Fun with Takeshi and Ichizo, the Komical
Kamikaze's", pp690-692.
4.6.8 "Streets", including news of Hiroshima (Morituri's home
town (see 3.16.1)), pp692-694.
4.6.9 "Listening to the Toilet": the sun's sound-shadow; Kenosha
Kid's return; You/They addressee problems, pp694-697.
4.6.10 "Witty Repartee": history of the Hotchkiss machine gun,
4.6.11 "Heart-to-Heart, Man-to-Man": Slothrop, his father, dope
and electricity, pp698-699.
4.6.12 "Some Characteristics of Imipolex G": some material on
"the Surface", pp699-700.
4.7.1 Tchitcherine, dope, religion, Marxism. Jamf and the Pokler
singularity, pp700-703.
4.7.2 "Tchitcherine's Haunting": trip/the interrogation by Ripov;
the dialectic, pp703-706.
4.8 The Gross Suckling Conference; the Roger-Beaver-Jessica
triangle; Haydn's kazoo quartet; Slothrop as an albatross
(PISCEAN); Roger's question; Mexico and Bodine get their
revenge in the great alliterative shit-food competition. Sun-
shadow theme again (p711); possible death of Slothrop (p712);
Pappy Hod appears (p715), pp706-717.
4.9 Geli Tripping uses witchery to search for Tchitcherine; this
fades, via discourse on the primeval, to Blicero talking to
Gottfried of life, death, love and fathers & sons. Nb: Rilke's
mountain gentian again. original and Subsequent sin. Fall-
Gravity-Origin (p723), pp717-724.
4.10 The Schwarzkommando and the 00001 trek; Rocket
theology; Ludwig and Katje, pp724-733.
4.11 Geli's spell is cast on Tchitcherine; Tchitcherine meets
Enzian extremely briefly. "Certainly not the first time a man has
passed his brother by, at the edge of the evening, often forever,
without knowing it" (p735), pp733-735.
4.12.1 The elevators; Thanatz and Ludwig's sado-anarchism;
Schwarzkommando; the future chroniclers of Slothrop; a repeat
scene with Bodine at the Chicago bar (cf. 3.6); Dzabajev and
Slothrop at the wine fix. Of Slothrop: "Some call him a 'pretext'"
(p738). Dillinger (p741). Slothrop breaks down/up; he
fragments, pp735-743.
4.12.2 "The occupation of Mingeborough": a fantasy dealing with
Slothrop's inability to get home, p744.
4.12.3 "Back in der Platz": including reprise of Byron the Bulb,
4.12.4 "Weissmann's Tarot", pp746-749.
4.12.5 "The Last Green and Magenta", p749.
4.12.6 "The Horse", p749.
4.12.7 "Isaac", pp749-750.
4.12.8 "Pre-Launch": key to Gottfried and the 00000 - pilot or
passenger?, pp750-751.
4.12.9 "Hardware": the Imipolex G shroud, p751.
4.12.10 "Chase Music": the failure of the superheroes generally;
some stuff on Pointsman. (Philip Marlow), pp751-753.
4.12.11 "Countdown": Edelman, mysticism of the countdown,
4.12.12 "Strung Into the Apollonian Dream...": Gottfried in the
00000, p754.
4.12.13 "Orpheus Puts Down His Harp": the harmonica
prohibition and its defiance. (Richard M. Zhlubb), pp754-757.
4.12.14 "The Clearing", pp757-758.
4.12.15 "Ascent": Gottfried's last moments; re-mention of the
Brocken-specter from 3.4 (p759), pp758-760.
4.12.16 "Descent". A cinematic episode in which this screen or
page is obliterated by the Rocket falling, p760.
mchoul at
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