TRP-L: Shortened GR index w/both paginations
Jorn Barger
jorn at
Thu Sep 15 16:26:48 CDT 1994
Many thanks to Alec for that index! I've trimmed it to a line per
section, and added the Bantam paginations, and put the whole thing at
the end of the FAQ...
1: BEYOND THE ZERO, pp1-177/1-207 (W. von Braun quote)
3/3 Pirate's dream and waking
7/8 Banana Breakfast; Pirate's ESP; the giant Adenoid
17/19 Teddy Bloat photographs TS's map
20/22 TS inspects the V2 site; details of his history
29/33 Jessica at seance; Microfilm Drill; Jessica and Roger
37/42 Mexico and Jessica's life together; Pointsman's dogs
42/48 Pointsman hunts the dog; The Book.
47/54 Spectro and Pointsman discuss TS; the octopus
53/61 Mexico and Jessica get up; Mexico at work; the two at home
60/69 TS under truth-drug: down-the-toilet, Kenosha Kid
71/81 Jamf's Kryptosam; Pirate and Scorpia "make love"
72/83 White Visitation; Pudding's briefing; Le Froyd episode
83/96 TS's "condition" and Jamf connection
92/107 Katje, Gottfried and Blicero. Pirate, Osbie, dodo
114/132 TS and Darlene, the Disgusting English Candy drill
120/140 Mexico, Jessica, sex, midget-truck, Beaver, Xmas church
136/159 "You" dream; Spectro's death, White Visitation, Pointsman
145/169 White Visitation's freaks; ESP; Jamf psycho-chemistry; Angel
154/180 Leni leaves Franz; Leni's history; seance at Peter Sachsa's
167/195 Pointsman, Gwenhidwy, Xmas-party blowjob; City Paranoiac
174/203 Jessica's sister's; pantomime of Hansel & Gretel; Penelope
2: UN PERM' AU CASINO HERMANN GOERING, pp179-278/209-323 (MC Cooper quote)
South of France, March 1945
181/211 TS, Mucker-Maffick and Bloat go to the beach
189/220 Octopus; TS with Katje, chase, secret gaming room
205/239 TS, Katje, Sir Stephen's Confession; Eventyr, Sachsa, Leni
226/263 White Visitation, rat dance, Pudding and Mistress of the Night
236/275 White Vis.; Casino, TS, Feldspath, Bounce, IG Farben, Shell, ICI
244/284 Party at Raoul's, Waxwing and Sherman tank; TS's zoot suit
249/290 Imipolex G, Tantivy's death, TS to Nice, first mention of 00000
257/299 Zurich: TS meets Schweitar, deal w/Squalidozzi, Geneva, Jamf's grave
269/313 Pointsman at seaside going nuts, end of war, Schwarzkommando real
3: IN THE ZONE, pp279-616/325-718. ("Toto, I have a feeling..." Dorothy)
281/327 TS in Zone, Nordhausen, child, Marvy, Enzian and Geli, Tchitcherine
295/343 TS tours Rocket-caves, architecture, Glimf, chase by Marvy's Men
314/365 Enzian, Schwarzkommando, Hereroes, Blicero/Weissmann, Tchitcherine
329/382 TS and Geli on clifftop; balloon pie-fight
336/391 Tchitcherine, language program, Enzian, singing duel, Kirghiz Light
359/418 TS sick, Schwarzk. find A4, Rocketman outfit; Bodine; Dope Deal
371/432 Rocketman to Potsdam to pick up dope, Max Schlepzig ID
383/446 Argentine U-boat, Squalidozzi in Bavaria, der Springer/von Goll
390/454 Tchitcherine on interrogation of TS, "Black" theme
392/456 TS meets Greta; sado-masochism scene, Bianca
397/462 Pokler; Ilse; Mondaugen, Frieda the pig, Leni interned by SS
433/505 TS in Berlin, chess-knight, Saure's; Greta; Rocketman; dreams
448/522 Toiletship Rucksichtslos; Schwarzkommando interrogate Achtfaden
457/532 TS and Greta; Bad Karma; Anubis; Thanatz, Bianca, orgy scene.
468/546 Bianca and TS, sex. mention of TS's woman in America
473/551 Morituri; Greta hides; Bianca & Thanatz vanish; TS new costume
482/562 Greta's pasts: cowgirl, necrophiliac, Bianca, Thanatz, s&m
488/569 On board Anubis, TS loses interest in his quest
492/573 Frau Gnahb's boat; TS meets Springer; Peenemunde; Mother Conspiracy
505/589 Rescue of Springer; Mondaugen's Law; TS Russian costume; Narrisch
518/604 Maria's abortion; Enzian's speed-vision; Pavel and the Moss Creature
525/612 Swinemunde with Gnahb; Springer gets TS a discharge; raid on Anubis
532/620 White Vis., Pudding dead, Katje watches Osbie's films of her
537/625 PP at Old Firm Conv., PP & Katje; How I Came to Love the People
549/639 TS's dream of Tantivy; Ludwig's lemming; Wm Slothrop; Major Marvy
557/649 Marvy & Chiclitz put TS on to Schwarzk., info swap on S-Gerat
563/656 Marvy and Tchitcherine; Tchitcherine's vision of the Rocket cartel
567/660 Pig fest in Cuxhaven; Frieda leads TS to Pokler
577/672 Pokler reflects to TS: old German movie fetishes, Jamf's lectures
580/676 Lyle Bland, the Masons, pinball, astral travel
591/689 Muffage and Spontoon castrate Marvy; Bodine's Runcible Spoon Fight
610/711 Tchitcherine, Argentinians, Pointsman; Mossmoon and Sir Marcus
4: THE COUNTERFORCE, pp617-760/719-887. ("What?" RM Nixon)
619/721 TS w/harmonica; PP hijacks plane; Saure & Gustav on music
626/729 Mexico in Zone; Pointsman, Prentice; idea of Counterforce
640/746 Colonel's haircut; Skippy, Happyville, Byron the Bulb; Jamf
656/764 Katje meets Enzian - they talk of TS and Blicero
663/772 Thanatz & lightning-struck; homosexual camp; Schwarzk.
674/785 TS & super-heroes; father-conspiracy; Naline's letter;
Ass Backwards; Shit'n'Shinola; sodium bomb; Kamikazes;
sun's sound-shadow; Broderick Slothrop; Imipolex G
700/816 Tchitcherine, dope, religion, Marxism, Jamf, Pokler, Haunting
706/823 Gross Suckling; kazoo quartet; Mexico and Bodine's gross-out fest
717/836 Geli looks for Tch.; Blicero talks to Gottfried
724/845 Schwarzk. and 00001 trek; Rocket theology; Ludwig and Katje
733/855 Geli's spell; Tch. meets Enzian w/o realizing
735/857 TS fragmenting; Mingeborough; W's Tarot; 00000 launch; Zhlubb
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