Farnina and Pynchon

Michael G. Koopman koopman at ctc.com
Tue Apr 11 16:03:54 CDT 1995

Oh what joy ce, to contribute nothing.

> Check out der Springer's Sodium-Amytal-induced blatherings (Viking,
> pp.  512, 514, 746).

But poor homophonic timware, you missed the manifold line quilting
this lil passe effrontery.  What is written, or missed in fiber is
much like what you mirror on your shoes passing by the lee, no?  Ah
so, so a pinchon de bottom dwellers leaves us to admittance that
voyeurs two "DD" are charged more eel lecter ichxly.

Plus your double good frame work is so low down when we know that
methyl qualone is so much more rightly powerful, by-gass.

smile your relatively looked in on (would you like to raise?)

this cage gets much past a follex, truly scrum such (b'gosh
thought I forgot how to play dirty pool - later!)

Have a nice (mgmt.) day,


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