gimme a C

V055QRSH at V055QRSH at
Thu Apr 20 17:19:59 CDT 1995

     Can't seem to get Emma Thompson's face out of my mind
since Jody brought up that Cockney yoke.  Would if TRP's
words were capitalized "cockney" and "Cowboy," we might be
able to apply some cheerled, legspred, end's zoned humor
to his unspiked punchline,but with a word like Cockney,
summoning up all sorts of pornotholgical images, I can't
help but believe the addressor must invariably be female.

Maybe I'm just oversexed but Cockney brings to mind two
parts of the body, both of which respectively belong to
the cowboy (Crouchflied?) and the Englishgirl, and put
them into a pretty precarious position in which the roles
of subject and object are obscured, a position that allows
the suchanicegirl to do anything she wants, except do any
talking (Stick this apple in your mouth, and choke on it,
Evy!), and what's funny isn't anykind of joke that CAN be
told, butthat jokes ARE possible, that language can so
easily be applied to an event with the purpose of exposing
another coincidental meaning through pun, metaphor.  (See
Freud's Jokes and the... Uncon.)

Waining nostalgic, I'm just set in my ways, wanting to
believe P intended that capital Cockney to be a li'l ole
saloon cockney...

Enter the sharpshooter thru doors aswinging.  A tumbleweed
rolls on by.  Eyes peek fromunda brims.  All is quiet til
long-legged Kitty, armup on the pianer, exclaims... ???

Ya see, that way our traditional American icon (click twice
here for $10,000 reword), our favorite indiff/ambiv subject,
isn't the butt of some joke delivered transatlantically, by
of all people a gal from the East (that is, East End of
London, as opposed to the East of westerns, being usually
NEW England), and mother England fades away shrining into
NEW England), and mother England fades away shrinking into
the horizon, an abandoned schoolmarm, mtns in the distance.

Seriously though, I doubt the cortex/dog/woody ingrediants
figure in any way into the joke P para-sites, but unlike
the last few posts on it, I would suggest something without
an L or an R, Cockneys having trouble with them.  (Should
exercize the tongue moreoften like the French.)  I thought
exercize the tongue moreoften like the French.)

Granted coffehouse wit is measured in punable events as they
come through the door, but a real knee-slapper does not - I
repeat - DOES NOT start with words, and have the sculpting
of the immediate environment for the follow-up.  It's it's
just not prop-er.

probably sounding too Amercianazi again,

Q:Why did the chicken cross the road?
A:Because the cymbals needed a pair of drumsticks

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