Bookish symmetries

Adrian Kelly 3AMK6 at QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA
Wed Feb 1 08:14:06 CST 1995

In response to Michael's post, I tried to make it clear that I'm
not advocating 'bookish symmetries' criticism of Pynchon.  'Hey,
Baudrillard talks about the acceleration of referents, a-and Pynchon
does too--in almost the same diction!  Pynchon anticipated Baudrillard!'
My point was simply that GR, AO & ATP do seem to enmesh themselves
without the kind of painful prostheticization/suturing process that
can take place when a theorist/critic is connected to a work.
But fin again stein sound biting has cooped me in, makes me
realize that dissing aint hip.

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