Bibliographer's wish list

JOHN M. KRAFFT krafftjm at
Wed Jul 5 16:59:39 CDT 1995

Can the person who posted information about the Frank Spooner article from 
January 1995 please send me more complete bibliographic details--or,
even better, a photocopy along with said details?  I can't trace the essay or 
identify the journal.

Likewise for the _Smooth Whiz_ article?  Usually-resourceful librarians
are stumped.

And while I'm asking, does anyone have Harvey Pekar's review of _Vineland_
from _Northwest Extra!_ Apr. 1990: 5-?  The only library I can find that
claims to carry the journal is missing that volume.

And _Pynchon Notes_ thanks in print people who have been of material assistence
to us in putting together the bibliographies.

Thanks here, too.


John M. Krafft, English                 | Miami University--Hamilton
Voice:   513-863-8833, ext. 342         | 1601 Peck Boulevard
Fax:     513-863-1655                   | Hamilton, OH  45011-3399
E-mail:  krafftjm at

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