Time Reversed

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Fri Jul 28 22:00:41 CDT 1995

> Brian recommends:
> "Brian, Bonnie, evahbody, neglect not Martin Amis' brilliant, hysterical,
> horrific novel Time's Arrow, which is the most rigorous use of the
> stuck-on-rewind trope I've ever encountered."
> The book is a tour-de-force.  Let me mention (from another angle) the film
> BETRAYAL (1986) with Jeremy Irons and Patricia Hodge chronicles in love affair
> in reverse, beginning with the couple's breakup and ending with their meeting.
> Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
ok.  but my reason for bringing up the Slaughterhouse Five/GR 
similarities was based upon a thematic coherence, by way of a particular 
kind of film--a war film/episode.  I don't want you to think I was just 
noticing that "stuff goes backwards" in fiction, but that it goes 
backwards in SF and GR for particular reasons.  ok?

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