History and politicst

Gillies, Lindsay Lindsay.Gillies at FMR.Com
Wed Jun 28 13:58:21 CDT 1995

Re Don Lloyd's comment:

I agree---I think I'm just pointing out a particular position for TP on the 
spectrum that runs between Abstract Schematically Political (best examples 
are non-personality cult chinese communist mass propaganda tracts) and 
Totally Introverted Self-Obsessed Psycological (best examples maybe 
self-help books a la Seventeen and a half Outstanding Techniques of Stupid 

I see him telling stories that are not political say in the sense of 
Costa-Gavras but more about the interpenetration of personal and 
political----hence the reference to history vs. politics.  Wouldn't you say 
Slothrop is an apolitical character?  I know GR best, and I stick to it on 
the theory that x amount of time on continuous discussion about GR beats 
just about anything else!

Lindsay Gillies                           FMR Corp.
lindsay.gillies at fmr.com         82 Devonshire Street, R22A
617-563-5363                              Boston, MA 02109

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