Vectors: the last word

Andrew Dinn andrew at
Thu Mar 2 07:09:44 CST 1995

Sorry to raise this subject Lazarus-like but then I have just
performed a similar act of auto-levitation, immune system vanquishing
flu (oh dear, is this how Koopman started?).

Bonnie Surfus writes:

> And now, for a very childish and simplistic idea:  this talk of vectors 
> makes me recognize that "v" appearing again.  Sorry.  Go ahead, let me 
> have it.

Those who prefer the historical approach might care to corroborate my
memory of repeated `vector' and `force field' motifs in Henry Adams
`Education...' and even in his `The Angel and the Virgin' (otherwise
`Mont St Michel and Chartres').

Andrew Dinn
there is no map / and a compass / wouldn't help at all

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