
Michael G. Koopman koopman at
Mon May 1 14:20:11 CDT 1995

grip - get one on reality, pwhew

> What are we to make of "white", the color that contains all others? And 
> "light" that reveals all colors? And "black" that contains no color or 
> light at all?

Your patchy spec seems to exude towards overt speculation leading
toward confectionary writing.  Such speculative denoument might lend
one to understand your twist on this as three o'spades - in poker
metrics this seems shallow and overrides suits, for example, diamonds
relinquished only if no trumps are called in your game -- but, losses
regarding career cyclists of real life might overturn this sight and
ecclectic spin on colors spread rather pale and behind your known
forward trajectory.

That's the trouble with only knowing what's behind you when traveling
faster than light - obstructions are so hard to avoid.  Albeit,
Pynchon is not a discourse on cubism, nor deconstruction, for that
matter.  But, those umbrellas opened in rainy season do seem to fit
squarely within the context.

Why does Farina continually come to mind?

Mike Koopman internet: koopman at phone: +1-814-269-2637

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