
Stuart Moulthrop SAMoulthrop at
Tue May 2 04:58:27 CDT 1995

("Colors... that's what acid is.  Colors." -- a friend, during the seventies)

The enormously important subject of color in GR always brings to mind "The
Wizard of Oz" (film) and the way it strutted its rainbow in front of a
Depression-haunted audience in the thirties.  Ruby slippers, emerald city,
yellow brick road, shiny happy munchkins.  Is it any wonder that Pynchon,
who confesses to all kinds of Depression nostalgia in _V._, makes his next
major opus a novel-as-Farbenlehre?  Pretty colors, mindless pleasures, Pfau
Zwei.  And yes, the colors *do* change...

Well Toto, I think we're back in Kansas (City) again.

-- Stuart

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