Names in GR

Sun May 21 10:49:27 CDT 1995

Nigel asks:
"Makes me wonder: does *every* name in GR carry a secret (or not so secret)
message? And if so, is it just Dickensian revelry - Mrs Quoad, Edwin Treacle,
Teddy Bloat, Jessica Swanlake, Rollo Groast - mixed with wacky wordplay
(Salitieri, Poore, Nash, De Brutus and Short, took me ages to get that one),
or is there something more serious going on?"

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, I think.

Treacle, Quoad, and Bloat are either obvious or fun---though we might extend things
a bit: Is Mrs. Quoad "errat demonstradum" (if the Latin's correct)?  Bloat and
the other residents of Pirate's kip suggest another Whole Sick Crew (DeCoverly
Pox, et al.).

On the other hand, Jessica's surname does suggest a link with the Tchiakovsky
ballet--a princess (of sorts) who is lured away from her would-be prince (Roger)
by an evil magician (Pointsman)?

And does anyone have an etymology for Von Goll or Pokler?

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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