Systems Analysis

Mon May 22 11:10:15 CDT 1995

Tim Ware writes:
"All systems AREN'T closed systems.  GR, for instance, is not a closed
system, though it is an ordering with recurring characters
and pages that go from 3 to 760."

Consider for a moment COL 49 and the Deaf-Mute convention that Oedipa finds 
herself at.  All the people there are doing different dances, but all are
somehow in synch with the (unheard) music and each other, implying order-
within-diversity (or is that diversity-within-order?).  That, I think, is
s Utopia--systems that shut down diversity are the problem, but--as the 
Counterforce discovers--sooner or later any system begins to shut down
diversity.  Maybe P's response is then provisional--make use of such systems
as are useful to you, but try to not get shut within any one of them.  A
nice idea, but damn tricky!

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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