Chaos, Fractals & GR

Timothy C. May tcmay at
Tue May 23 23:57:32 CDT 1995

Bonnie Surfus wrote:

> I am equally offended when I come to this allegedly, to use your 
> expression "fluid" realm wherein I'm supposed to feel how much "freedom " 
> I have.  Oh all that crap about how cyberspace is so liberating, , blah,  
> blah.  I've tried to be diplomatic all week.  But you cannot align me 
> with Newt.  I won't be silent on that.  Think what you will.  I simply 
> have to tell you how ugly and offensive it is.  You talk of all those 
> "good" things you think Pynchon's all about--love, community, etc.  So 
> where does that last post leave you?  

I know that none of this is aimed at me, as I have not been adding
much to this "Chaos, Fractals, and GR" thread (even though it was my
coining, as a followup to Bonnie's speculations), but I see very
little of Newt in this thread.

(Personally, I like a _lot_ of what Newt and Company have to say,
though it has little to do with Pynchon or fractals and literature.)

> I'm sitting here trying to find a graceful way out of this and it's not 
> surfacing.

A pun? If you were Koopman, we'd know, except that then he couldn't
use "surfacing."

> Oh, here it comes. . . in the form of.. . .yes, like I've been doing so 
> often in the recent past. . . an apology.  I'm sorry to've come off in so 
> aggressive a fashion.  I guess I'm speaking less to you as an individual 
> and more to a system that suggests somebody
> s got to be right in this thing, even if it means saying that no one 
> should ever bother.  

Well, I see no need whatsover for an aplogy, to any of us.

But perhaps this is an example of the very real difference between men
and women, everywhere. Women keep apologizing, and then apologizing
for apologizing, and then.... until men just shout "Shut up, already."

And I won't apologize for this expression of my views.

Good luck on your orals, no pun intended.

(I really mean no disrespect by this joke, Bonnie!)

--Tim May

Timothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  
tcmay at       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
                       | knowledge, reputations, information markets, 
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.
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