Pirate's Gift/dream theory

OUTRSPACIA at aol.com OUTRSPACIA at aol.com
Wed May 31 22:57:42 CDT 1995

All this beginning/ending/dream/circular/yo-yo stuff has to bring to mind the
notion of the big bang-is-it-expanding? will-it-contract/collapse? universe.
Could TRP have been up on this question? It's all there: up and down, back
and forth, in and out and in and out

John Mascaro, I liked your comments. Nice list. Makes me want to buy the
dream theory after having first discounted it.

A good read, probably unrelated, except to your comment about parallel
universes:  "The Man Who Turned Into Himself" by David Ambrose. Probably
tucked away in the Sci-Fi section, but not truly a sci-fi novel.

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