Doo-Doo Brain Final Awards

Jules Siegel jsiegel at
Sat Nov 4 08:16:57 CST 1995

First Place

Will Layman <WillL at> wrote:

>Do not, I repeat, do not piss off Jules. He may call you "doo-doo head."

No I won't, doo-doo brain.

Runner Up 

Chris Stolz <chstolz at> wrote:

> Do you have any claim to fame other than having had Pynchon bonk your wife
way back when?

Come up with your own insults, doo-doo brain, instead of plagiarizing my
good friend and loyal fan, John Mascaro.

Also Ran

Bruce Appelbaum <Bruce_Appelbaum at >

> my only claim to fame is that Thomas Pynchon stopped talking to me in 1968.

Ibid, doo-doo brain.

Jules Siegel
Mail: Apdo. 1764 Cancun QR 77501 Mexico
Street: Green 16 Paseo Pok-Ta-Pok Zona Hotelera Cancun QR 77500 Mexico
Tel: 011-52-98 87-49-18 Fax 87-49-13 E-mail: jsiegel at

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