"All Things Considered" blurb on Pynchon?

Rick Vosper maxrad at cruzio.com
Thu Oct 19 23:07:18 CDT 1995

>A friend swears that "within the last month" she heard a short
>blurb on All Things Considered (NPR's afternoon news show) about
>some guy who claims to have "found" Thomas Pynchon.

Actually, they did indeed. Early September maybe. Or even late August. As I 
recall, the editor of some small-town newspaper in NorCal (in the 
Eureka/Arcata area) published a bunch of Letters to the Editor he'd received 
while TRP was holed up doing the VL research. 

The letters purported to be from a homeless woman residing beneath a local 
bridge were excerpted on the air and both distinctly Pynchonesque (at least 
to my ear) and quite funny. 

So after VL cames out, the editor put two and two together and decided he 
had been graced by the presence of TRP...and the rest, as they say, is history.

As for myself, I read VL in haste immediately upon its release. Even on my 
cursory perusal, many scenes seemed more appropriate to an extreme Norcal 
location than to Soquel...which I know pretty well, having lived just a 
couple of towns to the south since late 1986. 

All of which is only by way of saying that there might actually be something 
to the story.

anyone else have more to add?


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