UMd Pynchon/DeLillo Class

J. Lester wll1 at
Tue Sep 12 11:43:34 CDT 1995


thought I would throw in my thoughts after Roger's, mainly because they 
are so similiar. I, too, have to divide my life into pre- and post-GR 
periods. And I also have wanted to hook up with this exact list for a 
long time.

What I wanted to mention, though, was that I read GR right after 
graduating from college and so, without other assignments pressing heavy on 
my mind, was able to take a leisurely five months to read it. I don't 
think I could have done it any other way. I was able to savor it, put it 
down and think about it, look up reference materials. In other words, I 
think anyone who assigns the entire GR isn't doing it justice if they 
just dedicate a week or three (or four....) and then move on. The beloved 
monster is big enough to take up an entire class by itself. At least the 
prof in the PYNCHON/DELILLO class is giving everyone a taste of it. 
That's more than I got: in four years of being a lit major, Pynchon was 
never mentioned, and never assigned. I came across him on my 

Sorry for such the long response. It's great to be here!

Jeff Lester
wll1 at

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