UMd Pynchon/DeLillo Class

Alex George McAlmon amcalmon at
Tue Sep 12 12:47:31 CDT 1995

Along these lines, and out of curiousity, do any of you know whether GR
has been recorded on audiotape *unabridged*?  Recorded Books in Maryland
has just released Ulysses on tape, and it is wonderfully addictive go back
and forth between the written text and the recording. GR also begs to be
read aloud (not as a substitute for reading it, but as an enhancement). 
If it could be done for Ulysses......... 

On Tue, 12 Sep 1995, Roger McSharry, M.D. wrote:
>   I read GR following "The Crying of Lot 49", with no recommendation and
>   no warning of what it contained.....innocently.
>   I have never had a greater literary experience, and in many ways divide my
>   life into pre-GR and post-GR periods.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roger McSharry, M.D.                lej1rxm at
> Pulmonary/Critical Care             Naval Hospital, Camp Lejeune, NC

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