Good drugs/Bad drugs?

Chris Stolz cstolz at
Wed Sep 27 20:07:15 CDT 1995

Something else to do with the seance and dye scene in GR:

	when in the 1860s synthetic dyes were developed, they not
only revolutionized industrial chemistry, but they

a) concentrated a lot of industrial and financial muscle in the
hands of a very few firms (agfa-gevaert in Switzerland, who would
become a major player in the two wars as not only a supplier to
both sides of explosive chemicals but as a middle man for
shipping, among others such as our beloved I.G. Farben).  IG
Farben, by the way, stands for Industrial Association of Colours

b) destroyed almost overnight a number of indigenous economies in
the third world which were then producing dye by agricultural means.
This led directly to mass rural unemployment and 
urbanisation in places like Brazil and many cnetral American
countries, further un-balanced the already inequitable patterns
of land ownership in these places, the result of which produced
economies (in Latin America and othe rplaces) which came to be
dominated by foreign capital, which comes under fire in


chris stolz                           16 Oakview PL SW Calgary
cstolz at                AB Canada T2V-3Z9 (403) 281-6794  

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*		God Bless America.					*

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