Who promoted Major Marvy?

Paul Mackin mackin at allware.com
Mon Aug 5 16:16:11 CDT 1996

Mike Beiderbecke writes: (and Penny responds)

>   Are we so deeply involved in inner meanings that we can't be pleased
>   because some asshole (MM) gets his just reward? 

I guess I was wondering whether castration *was* Major Marvy's just

 Don't see it as justice. Pynchon may be less interested in justice
than keeping the story going at its madcap pace.

When someone unsympathic has to be removed from the stage, do it in the gruesomest way possible. 

Hope it's not out of line to say our author has a little-boyish
fondness for the ghoulish. Part of his charm.

But additionally Pynch may only be setting up another of those
outrageous puns--so far undiscovered, but we might want to
mount a search. :-)

We already are well aware that story line is hardly a major preoccupation.


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