Fwd: Re: The Olympics

David Nevin Friedman namdeirf at gwis2.circ.gwu.edu
Wed Aug 7 10:48:54 CDT 1996

Fine.  With a strong mind you can out-intellectualize everyoe in your 
path, and die at a young age because of physical lethargy.  I'd rather be 
in great shape and stupid than intellectual and obtuse (or obese, for 
that matter).

David Friedman
namdeirf at gwis2.circ.gwu.edu

Ignorance breeds complicity.

On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, Andrew Dinn wrote:

> charles barone writes:
> > Susan F. wrote in response to DNF (below): Have you never done 
> > something that has enveloped your total being, physical, emotional and 
> > intellectual where that is all that you care about at the time? Or is 
> > it that you've just never "won", not according to everyone else but 
> > according to you. If this message still leaves you "clueless", maybe a 
> > good "BOINKING" session is in order. 
> Yes, indeed `at the time'. But the problem with pro or Olympic sport,
> its coverage and even the way amateurs are encouraged to emulate its
> petty dramas is that the enveloping is not just `at the time' but
> becomes `all the time' to the exclusion of any other possibilities. I
> worry about the fact that I read every spare moment of the day (when I
> am not writing on the net, that is) but at least with reading you can
> exercise your mind in an infinite variety of ways. Many sports and
> sportspeople seem to me to have become unhealthily tuned in to a
> single frequency, and that includes a lot of the amateurs. Doubtless,
> just as unhealthy as those who learn, digest, cogitate and master but
> never turn that experience into action. `In the parliament of life the
> time comes for a division' but unfortunately I missed the vote cos I
> was perfecting my backswing.
> And I believe that's BONK, by the way.
> Andrew Dinn
> -----------
> And though Earthliness forget you,
> To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
> To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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