Alien Invasion!

Greg Montalbano Greg.Montalbano at
Wed Dec 11 13:11:17 CST 1996

>Greg Montalbano sez
>>All well and good, kids;  but isn't the real problem the intrinsically
>>destructive nature of said modern technology itself?  ...The fact that "we"
>>have created a machine with an exponential growth rate (that, indeed,
>>DEFINES itself by exponential growth; the main difference between "our"
>>lifestyle and that of the "native peoples" cultures) that seems intent on
>>fouling and devouring everything and everybody?  
>>Or am I just sounding like a "dewey-eyed tree-hugger?"
>I think you are confusing modern technology with modern capitalism.  
>Historically they have been catastrophically intertwined, and that is 
>much of the matter of Pynchon's sermon, but they are not one and the same 

Technically, they are NOT one and the same;  practically speaking, they ARE.
>From where I sit,
the terms can be used interchangeably.

>And remember, a lot of not-so-modern technology is also hugely 
>destructive and we only survived it because populations were so low.  And 
>I don't just mean the early industrial revolution, I'm thinking of such 
>things as slash-and-burn agriculture, and all irrigation technologies 
>since Ur.  

Once again, it should be understood that THAT is the point:  that "we" have
come to a time and place where population size and distribution combine with
self-destructive technological practices to threaten the continued existence
of the race.
(How about that, Pynchon-Paranoids?  Everything really IS related!)

The Screwey-Eyed Tree-Bugger 

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