Alien Invasion!

David Casseres casseres at
Wed Dec 11 14:51:05 CST 1996

Greg Montalbano sez [replying to my assertion that it isn't so much 
"modern technology" as it is modern capitalism...]

>Once again, it should be understood that THAT is the point:  that "we" have
>come to a time and place where population size and distribution combine with
>self-destructive technological practices to threaten the continued existence
>of the race.
>(How about that, Pynchon-Paranoids?  Everything really IS related!)

Sure.  My only quibble is you've left out economic systems, of which 
capitalism is currently the chief villain.  The technology, for the most 
part, won't go back in the bottle unless a general catastrophe makes it 
unworkable; the only means I've heard of for controlling population 
growth are either horribly totalitarian or absurdly impracticable (and 
mostly both); but as a prisoner of my red-diaper upbringing, I think we 
can work on the economic systems.


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