Fucked Up AOL/DeLillo's barn

Meg Larson mgl at tardis.svsu.edu
Thu Dec 12 23:36:38 CST 1996

Sounds like a challenge to me, Steely--whip 'em out if ya got 'em . . . 

He called you a baby, for chrissakes . . .

"Never look where you're going--you'll only scare yourself"---
P.J. O'Rourke 

Meg Larson
Saginaw Valley State University
mgl at tardis.svsu.edu              

> From: MantaRay at aol.com
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject: Fucked Up AOL/DeLillo's barn
> Date: Friday, December 13, 1996 12:07 AM
> Disregard the mail wherin I simply pointed out what DYB said. What I
meant to
> say before AOHell ran off with my posting is that 
> Re: DeLillo's barn
> Mason and Dixon, following the logic of that scene, is being written by
> It will never come out because it has already-always-been and we are here
> "maintain the aura," as Murray says. Which is true if one considers the
> premature ejaculations of Mr. Steely Dan (all that and "orgasmic fits?"
> there a phalloBurroughsian connection there?) All the speculations about
> and context, trips to the MD line. Everyone, TAKE A PILL! Esp. you
> whose postings are awesome in the breadth of their information but
> nevertheless condescending. (Personally I like them a lot; just because
> everyone is taking a whack at you doesn't mean you have to turn tail, you
> baby).

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