CFP -- Panic + Paranoia (fwd)

Joe Varo vjvaro at
Fri Dec 13 07:25:05 CST 1996

Found the following in my email box and thought it might be of interest to
PYNCHON-L readers who might not subscribe to any of the Spoons Mailing


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 23:50:19 -0800 (PST)
From: obscure <messiah at>
To: owner-spoon-announcements at jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: CFP -- Panic + Paranoia

 [NOTE:  Spoon-Announcements is not a list; it's a mechanism for distributing
 information of potentially general interest to all subscribers of the Spoon
 Collective's mailing lists without bombarding them with cross-postings.]

     ..:.:.::  C A L L   F O R   S U B M I S S I O N  ::.:.:..
        T H R E S H O L D S: v i e w i n g  c u l t u r e 
                --=| Volume 11 Special Issue |=--

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     From militia movements and conspiracy theories,
           to the US-as-gated-community;
                   from madhouses and asylums to exile
                            and ethnic cleansing;
  P A N I C   A N D  P A R A N O I A  have emerged
       as primary sociocultural logics of the 90s.
            This special issue of T:vc will take "Panic and Paranoia"
                in their broadest senses as a departure point
                        for investigations in diverse media,
                                and across disciplines.

                 -----==<< POTENTIAL TOPICS INCLUDE >>==-----

  ->>   "Homosexual Panic"
  ->>   Drug use and Community/Marginality.
  ->>   Internet as Tool of Fascist, Communist, Pedophile,
           Hacker Supervillans.
  ->>   New World Orders:
           UN "dominance"           ud$$$$$$$$Nou
  ->>   Fears, Phobias            :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i
           and Rituals.           $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L
  ->>   Aliens/Invasion:          $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$E
           Fear of                4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F
           Implantation.           $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  ->>   Millenarianism:             $6"'*$$$$$*"'B"
           Earthquakes, Fires,       #Nuu.$$6.uu$"
           Floods.                    "$$$$B$$$P
  ->>   Urban Safety:                   "$wWw$"
           The Razor                      "*"
           in the Apple
  ->>   Monsters, Dementia, Hysteria:  Historical Transformations.
  ->>   Access unbounded:  Reading Personal Data Files:
           "It knows when you are sleeping...".
  ->>   Musical Movements:  Gangsta Rap, Raves,
           and Alternative Communities.
  ->>   Downsizing, Perma--temps, Lifetime Job Insecurity.
  ->>   Mega-mergers creating Indominable Trans-nation-state
           Corporate Hives.
  ->>   Inner City Surveillance and Gated Communities:
           Fear of the Inner City.
  ->>   Redefining International Borders:  Ethnic Purity, Eugenics,
           and the Disappearance of Nuclear Arsenals.
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  ->>   FBI, CIA & NSA      $$$$$$"     ""         $$$$$;
  ->>   Nationalism as        $$"                   $$$$
	   Political Paranoia                        ""
  ->>   Tightening the Borders:
           Xenophobia, Economic Racism.

                        - - ---==<< X >>==--- - -

        Possible forms of submission include but are not limited to:
        manuscripts (limit 20 pages), reviews, critical essays,
        interviews and/or first hand accounts, visual work,
	photographic documentation, and all manner of digital work 
	formatted for the WWW (HTML, sound, video, animation, etc.)

                        - - ---==<< X >>==--- - - 

      :..:>:>  Submissions Deadline is February 15, 1997  <:<:..:

Please send submissions to:

	THRESHOLDS: viewing culture volume 11

For submission guidelines or general information, please email:

	thresholds at

For web-based submissions/questions, please email

	6500meka at    or
         messiah at

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