A Jolly Bunch

RICHARD ROMEO RR.TFCNY at mail.fdncenter.org
Fri Dec 27 09:37:00 CST 1996

... In 1764, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon stayed at the Inn
with their team of surveyors. The Mason-Dixon line was the boundary 
Pennsylvania and Maryland which became famous as a line of demarcation 
between free
and slave states. The last survey of Newark was in 1701 by William Penn. 
Mason &
Dixon were called to do a one and a half mile section of the city border 
which was to have
as one corner, the Deer Park. A folk account of their stay said they were 
a jolly bunch
who kept a tame bear for amusement and consumed large portions of peach 
and apricot
brandy. ...

...In the late sixties, the Deer Park became the
hangout for the radical student body of the time. Once inside drugs were 
openly sold and

check out http://www.ssnet.com/~dp/history.html for an interesting 
history of the place...

Ahh, I shall bless these jolly men with Calvados
Richard Romeo
Coordinator of Cooperating Collections
The Foundation Center-NYC
rromeo at fdncenter.org

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