The " V" Buckaroo Frenesi

ethan at ethan at
Tue Feb 13 17:15:19 CST 1996

As I understand it, what the V chip blocks out is up to the consumer,
presumable parents.  I don't think this has any implication in relation to
future regulation of TV by the government.  If they wanted to censor TV,
they would just outlaw certain types of programming, or but the TV stations
and create their own broadcasts.  If this were to happen, everyone would
just have to do what they should be doing right now anyway...and that's
hurling their TV's out the windows of upper floor rooms.

> Blink Your Headlights Once  and Talk Into Your Lapel. I am really surprised
>that the Pynchon group isn't ready to storm government offices with torches
>and quicklime over the" INTERNET " bill and not to mention   the _V_ chip  .
>A virtual paranoids delight of government subplots involving the title of
>one more loved books.  A integrated circuit fitted to all new televisions to
>selectively block out certain programing. ( What programs as of yet to be
>determined and by whom). THIS v CHIP WORRIES ME. I know it's only a matter
>of time before I will be all fitted with one. The V chip blocks out all that
>they fear.  I always viewed V (the Concept) as the anima.
>   I have heard via quasi reliable sources (aka. CBS news) that the
>discussion of " abortion" is now limited on the internet .This has rather
>serious free speech ramifications. This piece of legislation is poorly
>conceived and written . It is subjective at best. It also has extreme
>criminal penalties for transmission of obscene material via cyberspace. What
>is obscene is not defined. Does this INTERNET bill mean we can't have
>discussions on the mail sever about where to get lingerie for those hard to
>fit shaved sea otters .Playful rascals that they are ( above the age of
>consent  In Otter Common Law).Kafka was and optimist.
>A.Scott Chesnick
>NIH Bld10 Rm B1D-166
>Bethesda,MD 20892
>FAX 402-2389

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