February 1996 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Feb 1 01:38:26 CST 1996
Ending: Thu Feb 29 21:26:47 CST 1996
Messages: 507
- clarification/Vonnegut
Brett Coley 919/543-3232
- Pynchon News?
Arie Altena
- Pynchon's band
Arie Altena
Arie Altena
- Fwd: Re: The Kenosha Kid
David Andignac
- real people
David Andignac
- Vonnegut
David Andignac
- rec.books.pynchon
David Andignac
- remove from pynchon list
Sal Anello
- Working Titles
- Film and Reflexivity
Hershom K. Bazerman
- Quiet flow the dons
Hershom K. Bazerman
- The " V" Buckaroo Frenesi
Hershom K. Bazerman
- Borges, et al
Hershom K. Bazerman
- more real people
Hershom K. Bazerman
- Sargossa Manuscript
Hershom K. Bazerman
Mike Beiderbecke
- Working Titles
Mike Beiderbecke
- Working Titles
Mike Beiderbecke
- Pynchon/Lovecraft
John Boylan
- Kubrick
John Boylan
- Pynchon's Musicians
John Boylan
- Newsweek slags _GR_
Mike Brehm
- Drugs, Sex, R&R and the Net
Mike Brehm
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Mike Brehm
- Rilke and GR
Robert Bruno
- plots, victims and heroes
Robert Bruno
- Picasso and Pynchon
Robert Bruno
- Getting GR (or, where to start)
Robert Bruno
- stoned reading
Robert Bruno
- A Silly Question
Robert Bruno
- coupla passages
Robert Bruno
- mother quest
Robert Bruno
- (Fwd) Re: Vietnam
Burgess, John
- The 5th Novel
Burgess, John
- Sixties and Oldies
Burgess, John
- Sixties/Oldies
Burgess, John
- blade.com mailing error?
Burgess, John
- Fwd: Re: clarification
Burgess, John
- more real people
Burgess, John
- Webley Silvernail
Burgess, John
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Burgess, John
- Rcrrng Chrctrs
Burgess, John
- a mystery solved
- real people
- clarification
- more real people
- more real people
- Fumimota
- firesign theatre
Steven Maas CUTR
- The " V" Buckaroo Frenesi
Scott Chesnick
- notoriety
Patricia Chui
- Musical TRP
Brett Coley
- Pynchon = Unibomber?
Brett Coley
- Pynchon's band
Kevin Crosby
- Self-reference
Kevin Crosby
- plots, victims and heroes
Kevin Crosby
- Takeshi Fumimota - Reply
- More Japanese references
- Working Titles
Susan M Danewitz
- and quite flow the dons
Thomas N. Dennis
- Ribofunk
Paul DiFilippo
- Barefoot in the head
Paul DiFilippo
- thanks
Paul DiFilippo
- various threads
Paul DiFilippo
- Providence
Paul DiFilippo
- mailings
Paul DiFilippo
- Pynchon's Musicians
Paul DiFilippo
- General thanks
Paul DiFilippo
- Self-reference
Paul DiFilippo
- Blood and Vato
Paul DiFilippo
- Infinite Jest
Paul DiFilippo
- Vineland, anonymity, limbo
Andrew Dinn
- Safe children
Andrew Dinn
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Andrew Dinn
- Fwd: Re: The Kenosha Kid
Andrew Dinn
- rockin' TRP
Andrew Dinn
- A Pynchon-l Newsgroup?
Andrew Dinn
- real people
Andrew Dinn
- clarification
Andrew Dinn
- Pynchon News?
Andrew Dinn
- more real people
Andrew Dinn
- Borges, et al
Andrew Dinn
- What makes TRP's writing his?
Andrew Dinn
Andrew Dinn
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Andrew Dinn
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Andrew Dinn
- Rcrrng Chrctrs
Andrew Dinn
- The End
Bonnie Surfus ENG
- P. on pgp: please respond
Bonnie Surfus ENG
- plots, victims and heroes
Bonnie Surfus ENG
- Picasso and Pynchon
Bonnie Surfus ENG
- mother quest
Bonnie Surfus ENG
- mother quest
Bonnie Surfus ENG
- More Japanese references
David Evers
- Proper naming in Pynchon
David Evers
- GR Cliffs Notes?!
Joshua Fruhlinger
- author function
Granville Ganter
- intentionality and notoriety
Granville Ganter
- ironists
Granville Ganter
- Pynchon's band
Granville Ganter
- DeLillo on Pynchon
Curt Gardner
- Infinite Jest
Curt Gardner
- Farina/Pynchon
Curt Gardner
- Safe children
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Vineland, TRP, Freud
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Vineland, anonymity, limbo
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- The Sun as a Cool Solid
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Sixties and Oldies
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Self-reflexive cinema
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Film and Reflexivity (fwd)
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- TRP and homosexuality
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- wow...what a coinincidence
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- oesi
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- TRP=Unabomber?
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Mindless
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- mother quest
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- TRP Themes
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- TRP Themes
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- Oldies
- Just who is Mucho Maas?
- and quite flow the dons
- newsgroup or list
- FW: Safe children
Gillies, Lindsay
- boomer oldies
Gillies, Lindsay
- firesign theatre
Gillies, Lindsay
- Jazz
Gillies, Lindsay
- Fwd: Re: Sixties and Oldies
Gillies, Lindsay
- Fwd: RE: Fwd: Re: Sixties and Oldies
Gillies, Lindsay
- rockin' TRP
Gillies, Lindsay
- Vchip
Gillies, Lindsay
- real people
Gillies, Lindsay
- FW: unsubscribe
Gillies, Lindsay
- Fumimota
Gillies, Lindsay
- characters
Gillies, Lindsay
- Getting Gravity's Rainbow
Gillies, Lindsay
- Gravity's Rainbow Party Update
Cal Godot
- Update on the Pynchon Notes Web site
Roy Gordon
- D.F. Wallace & GR
Edward Heinemann
- Editing the Jest
Edward Heinemann
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Cary Henson
- real people
Rob Holton
- Pynchon's band
Not Filled In
- Pynchon's band
Lawrence Jacobson
- Smells like Pig Bodine
Natasha M Jarymowycz
- please forgive me for this...
Natasha M Jarymowycz
- BBC Breakfast News
Tim Johnson
- Underground
Tim Johnson
- Takeshi Fumimota the Message Carrier
David Jordan
- Takeshi: Doper or Messenger?
David Jordan
- More Japanese references
David Jordan
- Fumimota
David Jordan
- Sargossa Manuscript
David Jordan
- Test
Mikko Keskinen
- Recurring Characters
Mikko Keskinen
- Rcrrng Chrctrs
Mikko Keskinen
- What is "the Himalayan Incident"?
Yoshihiko Kihara
- Mindless
Tresy Kilbourne
- Mindless
Tresy Kilbourne
- TRP Themes
Tresy Kilbourne
- TRP Themes
Tresy Kilbourne
- Pynchon Panel coming up at TCL
John M. Krafft
- A Pynchon-l Newsgroup?
John M. Krafft
- Update on the Pynchon Notes Web site
John M. Krafft
- R. crumb
J. Lester
- Working Titles
- Immortality, personally and otherwise
Paul Mackin
- Immortality, personally and otherwise
Paul Mackin
- Hose-out time
Paul Mackin
- defrocked monk
Paul Mackin
- author function
Paul Mackin
- Sixties and Oldies
Paul Mackin
- Looking for citation
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Paul Mackin
- Sixties and Oldies
Paul Mackin
- "Sixties Wet Dream?"
Paul Mackin
- Sixties and Oldies
Paul Mackin
- "Sixties Wet Dream?"
Paul Mackin
- defrocked monk
Paul Mackin
- Hakim Bey
Paul Mackin
- Various Threads
Paul Mackin
- World Wars III
Paul Mackin
- World Wars III
Paul Mackin
- P. on pgp: please respond
Paul Mackin
- P. on pgp: please respond
Paul Mackin
- Real people and clarifications
Paul Mackin
- Jest and Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- Takeshi Fumimota the Message Carrier
Paul Mackin
- Drugs, Sex, R&R and the Net
Paul Mackin
- Drugs, Sex, R&R and the Net
Paul Mackin
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- Self-reference
Paul Mackin
- Dickensian Names
Paul Mackin
- What makes TRP's writing his?
Paul Mackin
- plots, victims and heroes
Paul Mackin
- Getting Gravity's Rainbow
Paul Mackin
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- stoned reading
Paul Mackin
- Does Pynchon degrade women?
Paul Mackin
- Infinite Jest
Paul Mackin
- mindless
Paul Mackin
- Mindless
Paul Mackin
- mindless
Paul Mackin
- mother quest
Paul Mackin
- mother quest
Paul Mackin
- TRP Themes
Paul Mackin
- firesign theatre
Eston Martz
- wallace sighting
Brian D. McCary
- more real people
Brian D. McCary
- more real people
Brian D. McCary
- Borges, et al
Brian D. McCary
- What makes TRP's writing his?
Brian D. McCary
- What makes TRP's writing his?
Brian D. McCary
- Blood & Vato
Brian D. McCary
- a mystery solved
Cal McInvale
- Providence, Lovecraft, and TRP
Jeffrey L. Meikle
- real people
Jeffrey L. Meikle
- Immortality, personally and otherwise
Greg Montalbano
- Pynchon-Horror
Greg Montalbano
- Sixties and Oldies
Greg Montalbano
- ironists
Greg Montalbano
- plots, victims and heroes
Greg Montalbano
- Getting GR
Greg Montalbano
- pynchon/stoppard
Benjamin L Nussbaum
- intellect for . . .
Benjamin L Nussbaum
- British Bon-Bons
Rolf Olsson
- Newsweek slags _GR_
Penny Padgett
- Vineland, anonymity, limbo (fwd)
David L. Pelovitz
- RE- 60's changing the World (fwd)
David L. Pelovitz
- Looking for citation
David L. Pelovitz
- Working Titles
David L. Pelovitz
- Fwd: Re: Smells like Pig Bodine
- Fwd: Re: The Kenosha Kid
- Kubrick
- Fwd: Re: Sixties and Oldies
- Fwd: RE: Fwd: Re: Sixties and Oldies
- Musical TRP
- Fwd: wow...what a coinincidence
- real people
- Editing the Jest
- The Jester Speaks
- Wallace Finis
- Sargossa Manuscript
- Takeshi Fumimota the Message Carrier
- Getting GR
- A Silly Question
- Proper Naming
- Infinite Jest
- Fwd: Re: mother quest
- Life Change-GR
- Musical TRP
Eric Dean Rasmussen
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Film and Reflexivity (fwd)
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Albumen...
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Pynchon's band
Kurt Revis
- The Electric Library
Nigel E. Richardson
- We'll hear more from that Kenosha Kid...
Nigel E. Richardson
- Vineland, anonymity, limbo
Teen Age Riot
- Safe children
Teen Age Riot
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Teen Age Riot
- Film and Reflexivity
Teen Age Riot
- Film and Reflexivity
Teen Age Riot
- "Sixties Wet Dream?"
Teen Age Riot
- blade.com mailing error?
Teen Age Riot
- Pynchon News?
Teen Age Riot
- pynchon/stoppard
Teen Age Riot
- plots, victims and heroes
Teen Age Riot
- A Silly Question
Teen Age Riot
- Infinite Jest
Teen Age Riot
- TRP Themes
Teen Age Riot
- TRP Themes
Teen Age Riot
- Rcrrng Chrctrs
Steve Robinson
- Working Titles
Steve Robinson
- "Sixties Wet Dream?"
Brad Rourke
- real people
Brad Rourke
- GR Cliff Notes
Brad Rourke
- GR Cliff Notes
Brad Rourke
- Vonnegut
Jesse Saich
- Self-reflexive cinema
Ted Samsel
- Film and Reflexivity (fwd)
Ted Samsel
Ted Samsel
- Albumen...
Ted Samsel
- Musical TRP
Ted Samsel
- Jolly tars & gobs
Ted Samsel
- real people
Ted Samsel
- Pynchon's band
Ted Samsel
- Rcrrng Chrctrs
Ted Samsel
- Saragossa Manuscript
W. Satterthwaite
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Stefan Schuber
- Sargossa Manuscript
Stefan Schuber
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Stefan Schuber
- noteriety (and my first post to the list)
Brian Siano
- notoriety (fwd)
Brian Siano
- Sixties and Oldies (fwd)
Brian Siano
- Sixties and Oldies (fwd)
Brian Siano
- Film and Reflexivity (fwd)
Brian Siano
- [Fwd: wallace sighting]
Brian Siano
- Is this list still alive?
Andrew Smith
- plots, victims and heroes
Lindsay Smith
- D.F. Wallace in Seattle 2/22
Lindsay Smith
- As Pynchon is to . . . .
Nicholas Peter Spencer
- Albumen...
Nicholas Peter Spencer
- Pynchon's band
Nicholas Peter Spencer
- Pynchon's band
Nicholas Peter Spencer
Nicholas Peter Spencer
- Getting GR
Nicholas Peter Spencer
- Vonnegut
Zach Spiller
- newsgroup and creative impulse
Zach Spiller
- R.A.W.
Zach Spiller
- The Kenosha Kid
Tom Stanton
- Self-reflexive cinema
- Crumb
- Editing the Jest
Daniel Stein
- author function
Chris Stolz
- Oldies etc.
Chris Stolz
- Film and Reflexivity
Chris Stolz
- Sixties and Oldies
Chris Stolz
- Film and Reflexivity (fwd)
Chris Stolz
- Brazil
Chris Stolz
- rec.books.pynchon
Chris Stolz
- Self-reference
Chris Stolz
- Mindless
Chris Stolz
- GR changed my life
Chris Stolz
- laroquette
Chris Stolz
- Pynchon mentions in recent books
Chris Sweet
- new Steve Erickson book
Chris Sweet
- wow...what a coinincidence
Chris Sweet
- Editing the Jest
Chris Sweet
- New hardcover ed. of GR
Chris Sweet
- anagrams
Chris Sweet
Chris Sweet
- Working Titles
Chris Sweet
- Working Titles
Chris Sweet
- Steve Erickson
Chris Sweet
- The end of Pynchon's Band
Chris Sweet
Chris Sweet
Chris Sweet
- laroquette
Chris Sweet
- Web-guides to V & GR moving
Chris Sweet
- working titles
Christopher James Tassava
- DFW reading
Christopher James Tassava
- As Pynchon is to . . . .
Anne N. Thalheimer
- Pynchon's band
Maria Ticinovic
- Self-reflexive cinema
Michael Totty
- Immortality, personally and otherwise
Peter Trachtenberg
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Peter Trachtenberg
- Untitled
- Untitled
- P. on pgp: please respond
Joe Varo
- R. crumb
Elliott Visconsi
- a mystery solved
Tim Ware
- Misplaced Paranoia
Tim Ware
- Looking for citation
Tim Ware
- Sargossa Manuscript
Tim Ware
- Web-guides to V & GR moving
Tim Ware
- Just who is Mucho Maas?
Scott Weintraub
- Takeshi Fumimota - Reply
Barry Westburg
- Film, radio and Reflexivity
Grant White
- Film, radio and Reflexivity
White, Rich
- firesign theatre
White, Rich
- Fwd: Re: Sixties and Oldies
White, Rich
- pgp
White, Rich
- firesign theatre
Mark Williamson
- Fwd: Re: The Kenosha Kid
Wolfe, Skip
- Musical TRP
Wolfe, Skip
- What makes TRP's writing his?
Wolfe, Skip
- Pynchon = Unibomber?
Wolfe, Skip
- Getting GR
Wolfe, Skip
- Infinite Jest
Wolfe, Skip
- Working Titles
Wolfe, Skip
- Working Titles
Wolfe, Skip
- (Fwd) Re: Self-reflexive cinema
Aaron Yeater
- Musical TRP
Aaron Yeater
- (Fwd) Re: real people
Aaron Yeater
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Aaron Yeater
- Proper naming in Pynchon
Aaron Yeater
- Mindless
Aaron Yeater
- mother quest
Aaron Yeater
- TRP Themes
Aaron Yeater
- wallace sighting
Djuna35 at aol.com
- Attention must be paid to the man behind the curtain
Dkipen at aol.com
- Able Baker
Dkipen at aol.com
- Sixties and Oldies
Jhildt at aol.com
- and quite flow the dons
Jhildt at aol.com
- Pynchon's Musicians
Jhildt at aol.com
- pynchon/stoppard
Jhildt at aol.com
- newsgroup or list
Jhildt at aol.com
- more real people
Jhildt at aol.com
- Self-reference
Jhildt at aol.com
- The Jester Speaks
Jhildt at aol.com
- Drugs, Sex, R&R and the Net
Jhildt at aol.com
- New hardcover ed. of GR
Jhildt at aol.com
- Mangled Powers
Jhildt at aol.com
- Powers on chess in NYT?
Jhildt at aol.com
- Smells like Pig Bodine
Kairos8 at aol.com
- V4 --the album
Kairos8 at aol.com
- Rilke & Mann
LOT64 at aol.com
- plots, victims and heroes
LZirlin at aol.com
- Mangled Powers
OUTRSPACIA at aol.com
OUTRSPACIA at aol.com
- Steve Erickson
OUTRSPACIA at aol.com
- Baker
OUTRSPACIA at aol.com
- Pynchon/Nabokov
RUTHSINGS at aol.com
- Powers on chess in NYT
RUTHSINGS at aol.com
- more thought's on Brock's
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Changed World
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Changed World
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Intentions, VL and barefoot (again)
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Pynchon/Nabokov
Ronkarate at aol.com
- ass-backwards
Ronkarate at aol.com
- The End
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Oldies
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Film & Reflexivity
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Sixties/Oldies
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Brazil
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Jazz
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Albumen
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Editing
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Amis
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Pynchon & Real People
Ronkarate at aol.com
- The end of Pynchon's Band
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Jandek
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Jandek
Ronkarate at aol.com
- GR
Ronkarate at aol.com
- Various Threads
sybil at celtic.co.uk
- firesign theatre
maxrad at cruzio.com
- real people
brad daly
- plots, victims and heroes
brad daly
- Sixties and Oldies
- Crumb
- Pynchon News?
- more real people
- Regression
- Takeshi
- Mangled Powers
- oesi
- Not Really Takeshi Fumimota the Message Carrier
- Frenesi & Blood and Vato & Prairie Wheeler
- Pynchon's band
thomas evans
- Pynchon News?
thomas evans
- Takeshi Fumimota the Message Carrier
thomas evans
- Pynchon Characteristics
thomas evans
- Toons and Thomas
ChrisO at fieldschool.com
- RE> Infinite Jest
ChrisO at fieldschool.com
- Richard Farina
ChrisO at fieldschool.com
- RE- 60's changing the World
WillL at fieldschool.com
- Wealthier?
WillL at fieldschool.com
- As Pynchon is to . . . .
WillL at fieldschool.com
- As Pynchon is to . . . .
WillL at fieldschool.com
- As Pynchon is to . . . .
WillL at fieldschool.com
- Why Quentin = Baker
WillL at fieldschool.com
- Rockin' TRP Redux
WillL at fieldschool.com
- King Knocks Baker
WillL at fieldschool.com
- Changed my life . . . hmmm
WillL at fieldschool.com
- Pynchon/Nabokov
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Safe ChildrenFrom: Self <MASCARO>
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- notoriety
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Pyn.Nab and a query
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- safe children
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Self-reflexive cinema
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- plots, victims and heroes--and dissent
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Jung Pynchon's Synchronistic Parabola
rhaenda at iag.net
- Real people
ricky jensetta
- The 5th Novel
- noteriety
ethan at magicnet.net
- The end
ethan at magicnet.net
- Sixties and Oldies
ethan at magicnet.net
- noteriety
ethan at magicnet.net
- Sixties and Oldies
ethan at magicnet.net
- Fwd: Re: The Kenosha Kid
ethan at magicnet.net
- The " V" Buckaroo Frenesi
ethan at magicnet.net
- Pynchon's band
ethan at magicnet.net
- pynchon/stoppard
ethan at magicnet.net
- V4 --the album
ethan at magicnet.net
- Pynchon Characteristics
ethan at magicnet.net
- stoned reading
ethan at magicnet.net
- Getting GR
ethan at magicnet.net
- Pynchon's band
- firesign theatre
grip at netcom.com
- and quite flow the dons
grip at netcom.com
- Recurring Characters
grip at netcom.com
- oesi
markus peterseil
- Jandek
jeff severs
- Quiet flow the dons
anonymous-remailer at shell.portal.com
- Sixties and Oldies
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Citation
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Sixties and Oldies
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Film and Reflexivity
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Providence
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Welles, The Kenosha Kid?
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Self-reflexive cinema
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Regression
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Webley Silvernail
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Borges, et al
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Dickensian Names
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Names and Addresses
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Vowel Movements
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Mindless
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
- Seduced and Abandoned
LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
mexico at worlds.net
- blade.com mailing error?
mexico at worlds.net
- Takeshi Fumimota the Message Carrier
- More Japanese references
Last message date:
Thu Feb 29 21:26:47 CST 1996
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:08:27 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).