
ethan at ethan at
Thu Feb 15 22:22:06 CST 1996

Benjamin Nussbaum writes-

>        and likewise i'd argue that the reader of pynchon is perhaps
>made to contemplate the act of the creation of the work -- the brilliance
>of the author -- and . . .
>                                hence some of the really wonderful
>qualities that pynchon seems to have as an individual make themselves known
>to the reader (i.e. his intelligence his creativity his "productive
>paranoia" {is that the phrase?})
>        and that reading one of his works is to some extent the monitoring
>of some really wonderful act of creation -- we feel his massive intelligence
>at work -- and
I agree completely.  I've noticed this about other authors as well.  James
Baldwin seems to be the best example for me.  Umberto Eco as well, although
his brilliance seems to be in the quantity of things he has obviously read
and studied.  Also Richard Powers to a lesser extent.  Oh, and definitely
Toni Morrison.

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