What makes TRP's writing his?
Brian D. McCary
bdm at colossus.Storz.Com
Mon Feb 19 12:19:28 CST 1996
> From: <OUTRSPACIA at aol.com>
> Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 12:11:53 -0500
> Reading Powers, I was far from willing to put him in league with TRP, in
> spite of the glowing blurbs. But the closer I got to finishing, the more I
> became comfortable with the comparison, particularly as I finally connected
> with the idea of being caught in a world where we are unwitting participants
> in a great scheme or cover up, a place where we all somehow agree to ignore
> everything's that isn't what it seems.
Which raises the quesition: What makes Pynchon's writing uniquely his?
What characteristics should a piece have before it may properly be described
as "Pynchonian"? I know what I think of when I think of him:
1) Wordplay, crosscultural puns, meanings in names, ect (see recent posts)
2) Overt theams of paranoia, and specifically cabals and coverups
3) Pop Culture Hooks
4) "Encyclopidic" historical and scientific referances
5) Use of basic science concepts as central metephors and structuring
devices (entropy, ballistics, organic chemistry, ect)
6) Nondeterministic story lines, the dissolution of Slothrop and V
being the prime but not the only examples
7) Rapid stylistic intercutting (low comedy to high tragedy to
I'm sure I missed a couple, and I'm sure you listers will be happy to add
you perceptions. My question is, which are most uniquely his? 2 seems to
be the one I find in most books with reviews refering to him, and they
always seem to disappoint me, since I am more strongly drawn to 5, 6, and 7.
I suspect I am in the minority on this one. What does everyone else think?
Brian McCary
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